A. Award - Water Distribution Improvements: Loop 335 Expansion Project Phase III:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $1,370,046.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate water mains to outside the TXDOT Right of Way as required for the extension of Loop 335 from I-27 to the railroad east of Georgia Street. This is Phase III of the utilities (water) relocation along Loop 335. The bid was 21% lower than the estimate cost. Funding for this award is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget for the Loop 335 project.
B. Award - Wastewater Collection Improvements: Loop 335 Expansion Project Phase III:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $725,907.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate sewer mains to outside the TXDOT Right of Way as required for the extension of Loop 335 from I- 27 to the railroad east of Georgia Street. This is Phase III (wastewater) of the utilities relocation along Loop 335. The bid was 41.5% lower than the estimate cost. Funding for this award is available in the approved Utilities Capital Improvement Program budget for the Loop 335 project.
C. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $161,078.40
Match Amount: $201,592.60
Total: $362,671.00
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2015 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources on Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses, Speed Enforcement, Occupant Protection (Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat) and Distracted Driving. The required matching funds are available in the Police Department operating budget.
D. Amendment - Summer Lunch Program Extension at City Parks: Grantor: Texas Department of Agriculture
Overview: This item accepts the extension of the 2014 Summer Lunch Program through August 22, 2014 at seventeen (17) park sites. The extension will provide an additional 10 days and approximately 4,500 meals to the existing Summer Lunch Program. This Texas Department of Agriculture grant amendment will reimburse the City for the staff and meal costs associated with this extended program.
A. Award - Water Distribution Improvements: Loop 335 Expansion Project Phase III:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $1,370,046.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate water mains to outside the TXDOT Right of Way as required for the extension of Loop 335 from I-27 to the railroad east of Georgia Street. This is Phase III of the utilities (water) relocation along Loop 335. The bid was 21% lower than the estimate cost. Funding for this award is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget for the Loop 335 project.
B. Award - Wastewater Collection Improvements: Loop 335 Expansion Project Phase III:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $725,907.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate sewer mains to outside the TXDOT Right of Way as required for the extension of Loop 335 from I- 27 to the railroad east of Georgia Street. This is Phase III (wastewater) of the utilities relocation along Loop 335. The bid was 41.5% lower than the estimate cost. Funding for this award is available in the approved Utilities Capital Improvement Program budget for the Loop 335 project.
C. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $161,078.40
Match Amount: $201,592.60
Total: $362,671.00
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2015 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources on Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses, Speed Enforcement, Occupant Protection (Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat) and Distracted Driving. The required matching funds are available in the Police Department operating budget.
D. Amendment - Summer Lunch Program Extension at City Parks: Grantor: Texas Department of Agriculture
Overview: This item accepts the extension of the 2014 Summer Lunch Program through August 22, 2014 at seventeen (17) park sites. The extension will provide an additional 10 days and approximately 4,500 meals to the existing Summer Lunch Program. This Texas Department of Agriculture grant amendment will reimburse the City for the staff and meal costs associated with this extended program.