A. Award - Traffic Signal and Control Detection:
Twincrest Technologies -- $74,390.00
Overview: This item approves a Texas Smart Buy Contract purchase of radar detection signalized traffic units to replace the video detection equipment at four (4) intersections. The last purchase was in June 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved 2013-2014 capital improvement program budget.
B. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant Electrical Building Repairs:
Brown Construction Services -- $170,480.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to the sole responsive bidder to repair and level the foundation at the Osage Water Treatment Plant Electrical Building. The estimated budget for the project was $130,000. The additional funding needed for the award is available from the approved 2013-2014 Water Extension and Improvement budget.
C. Approval - Transportation Project Grant Agreement:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grantee: City of Amarillo
Amount: $353,145.00
Overview: This item accepts a contract from the Texas Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2014-2015 to support Amarillo City Transit. These funds will be used for renovations and improvements at the Transit maintenance facility. The grant requires no matching funds. The funding represents a 14% decrease from the current grant.
D. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Randall County.
A. Award - Traffic Signal and Control Detection:
Twincrest Technologies -- $74,390.00
Overview: This item approves a Texas Smart Buy Contract purchase of radar detection signalized traffic units to replace the video detection equipment at four (4) intersections. The last purchase was in June 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved 2013-2014 capital improvement program budget.
B. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant Electrical Building Repairs:
Brown Construction Services -- $170,480.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to the sole responsive bidder to repair and level the foundation at the Osage Water Treatment Plant Electrical Building. The estimated budget for the project was $130,000. The additional funding needed for the award is available from the approved 2013-2014 Water Extension and Improvement budget.
C. Approval - Transportation Project Grant Agreement:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grantee: City of Amarillo
Amount: $353,145.00
Overview: This item accepts a contract from the Texas Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2014-2015 to support Amarillo City Transit. These funds will be used for renovations and improvements at the Transit maintenance facility. The grant requires no matching funds. The funding represents a 14% decrease from the current grant.
D. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Randall County.