A. Approval - Engineering Services - Lift Station 40 Variable Frequency Drive Project:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. --$145,466.00
Overview:This item awards an engineering contract for the design, specifications, plans and contract documents necessary to install two large Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) motors at Lift Station 40. The project will accommodate the replacement of the VFD units while maintaining continuous operation of the lift station. The existing VFD units have been in use since 1998 and approaching the end of their useful service life. Lift Station 40 is a critical component of the wastewater collection system and it is necessary to both replace the VFD units and maintain operations. Funding for this award is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
B. Approval - Real Estate Purchase:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Patricia Hearn
Location: Lots 3 thru 19 plus vacated alley, Block 4, Glidden & Sanborn Addition, Potter County, TX
Terms and Conditions: As noted
Purchase Price: $400,000.00
Overview:This item approves the purchase of the property located at 111 S. Taylor Street and 112 S. Fillmore Street in Amarillo. This property is located immediately north of the existing parking lot at the Amarillo Police Department and is necessary to accommodate the growth in both the staff and public needs for parking at the Amarillo Police Department and the Amarillo Municipal Court. The Police and Courts buildings were put into operation in 1992. Since that time, The Police Department staffing has increased and the police fleet has increased as well. Funding for this purchase will be from Amarillo Police Department Seized funds and from the General Construction Fund reserve.
C. Approval - Chlorine Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brenntag Southwest, Inc. $138,898.80
Overview:This item awards an annual contract for chlorine for the Osage Water Treatment Plant and the River Road and Hollywood Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract is for approximately 324 tons of chlorine to be delivered on an as-needed basis. The proposed contract reflects a decrease of 9.5% from last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Utilities Division operating budgets for the three plants.
D. Approval - Law Enforcement Interlocal Agreement:
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Overview:This item approves a mutual aid law enforcement agreement between the City of Amarillo Police Department and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Clements and Neal Units. The agreement will provide officers and equipment to protect the health, life and property of the requesting jurisdiction and its inhabitants. The agreement has a one year term.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
A. Approval - Engineering Services - Lift Station 40 Variable Frequency Drive Project:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. --$145,466.00
Overview:This item awards an engineering contract for the design, specifications, plans and contract documents necessary to install two large Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) motors at Lift Station 40. The project will accommodate the replacement of the VFD units while maintaining continuous operation of the lift station. The existing VFD units have been in use since 1998 and approaching the end of their useful service life. Lift Station 40 is a critical component of the wastewater collection system and it is necessary to both replace the VFD units and maintain operations. Funding for this award is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
B. Approval - Real Estate Purchase:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Patricia Hearn
Location: Lots 3 thru 19 plus vacated alley, Block 4, Glidden & Sanborn Addition, Potter County, TX
Terms and Conditions: As noted
Purchase Price: $400,000.00
Overview:This item approves the purchase of the property located at 111 S. Taylor Street and 112 S. Fillmore Street in Amarillo. This property is located immediately north of the existing parking lot at the Amarillo Police Department and is necessary to accommodate the growth in both the staff and public needs for parking at the Amarillo Police Department and the Amarillo Municipal Court. The Police and Courts buildings were put into operation in 1992. Since that time, The Police Department staffing has increased and the police fleet has increased as well. Funding for this purchase will be from Amarillo Police Department Seized funds and from the General Construction Fund reserve.
C. Approval - Chlorine Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brenntag Southwest, Inc. $138,898.80
Overview:This item awards an annual contract for chlorine for the Osage Water Treatment Plant and the River Road and Hollywood Wastewater Treatment Plants. The contract is for approximately 324 tons of chlorine to be delivered on an as-needed basis. The proposed contract reflects a decrease of 9.5% from last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Utilities Division operating budgets for the three plants.
D. Approval - Law Enforcement Interlocal Agreement:
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Overview:This item approves a mutual aid law enforcement agreement between the City of Amarillo Police Department and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Clements and Neal Units. The agreement will provide officers and equipment to protect the health, life and property of the requesting jurisdiction and its inhabitants. The agreement has a one year term.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.