A. Award - 2014 Milling and Overlay of Various City Streets:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, LTD. -- $1,957,000.00
Overview:This item awards a contract for the annual street milling and overlay project. The contract includes the needed repairs, milling, and installation of a new layer of hot-mix asphalt on eight existing arterial street. The contract price is a 15.4% increase from the 2013 contract. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2013 Street Department Capital Improvement Project and also includes funds from the Street Improvement fund.
B. Award - Engineering Services Phase 1 Conceptual Study for Osage Water Treatment and Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plants:
Award to best qualified proposer: CDM Smith, Inc. -- $59,225.00
Overview:This item awards a professional services contract to provide a conceptual study for sludge dewatering improvements at both the Osage Potable Water Treatment and Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. These studies will identify the most efficient and effective improvements to the present dewatering systems at the plants. Future work after this study phase will be authorized to develop plans and specifications to bid the projects. Funding is available for this contract from the approved 2011 and 2012 Utilities Capital Improvement Project budgets.
C. Approval - Emergency Facilities & Land Use Agreement Renewal:
Texas A&M Forest Service
Overview:This item approves a Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement between the City and the Texas Forest Service (TFS). TFS is re-establishing an airbase at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport to stage and operate both fixed and rotary-wing fire fighting and fire surveillance aircraft. The lease is provided at no cost to TFS. The aircraft will be stationed at the Airport on an as-needed basis to ensure prompt aerial response to wildfires in Amarillo and the surrounding region.
A. Award - 2014 Milling and Overlay of Various City Streets:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, LTD. -- $1,957,000.00
Overview:This item awards a contract for the annual street milling and overlay project. The contract includes the needed repairs, milling, and installation of a new layer of hot-mix asphalt on eight existing arterial street. The contract price is a 15.4% increase from the 2013 contract. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2013 Street Department Capital Improvement Project and also includes funds from the Street Improvement fund.
B. Award - Engineering Services Phase 1 Conceptual Study for Osage Water Treatment and Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plants:
Award to best qualified proposer: CDM Smith, Inc. -- $59,225.00
Overview:This item awards a professional services contract to provide a conceptual study for sludge dewatering improvements at both the Osage Potable Water Treatment and Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. These studies will identify the most efficient and effective improvements to the present dewatering systems at the plants. Future work after this study phase will be authorized to develop plans and specifications to bid the projects. Funding is available for this contract from the approved 2011 and 2012 Utilities Capital Improvement Project budgets.
C. Approval - Emergency Facilities & Land Use Agreement Renewal:
Texas A&M Forest Service
Overview:This item approves a Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement between the City and the Texas Forest Service (TFS). TFS is re-establishing an airbase at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport to stage and operate both fixed and rotary-wing fire fighting and fire surveillance aircraft. The lease is provided at no cost to TFS. The aircraft will be stationed at the Airport on an as-needed basis to ensure prompt aerial response to wildfires in Amarillo and the surrounding region.