A. Approval: Tax Abatement Agreement for Coca-Cola Refreshments USA, Inc:
Overview;This item approves a Tax Abatement Agreement with Coca-Cola Refreshments granting a ten (10) year abatement of 100% of the City Property Taxes on qualified improvements and personal property taxes for the construction and development of a new facility in Reinvestment Zone 7 (CenterPort). The abatement of property taxes will be calculated only on the increase taxable value over the current property value in downtown Amarillo.
B. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview;License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the encumbrance of a private storm drain within the public right-of-way of Southwest 9th Avenue in Section 25, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County.
C. Acceptance - 2014 Special Events Trust Fund:
American Quarter Horse Association Adequan Select World Championship Show
Overview;This item accepts the designation from the Texas Comptroller for Special Event Trust funding for the 2014 American Quarter Horse Adequan World Championship Show in Amarillo. The funding will be used to enhance the event to increase participation and attendance. The special event funding will allow for a multi-party contract with American Quarter Horse Association, the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Amarillo Potter Event Venue District.
D. Acceptance - AMBUCS Playground for Special Needs Children:
Overview;The item approves an agreement with the Southwest Chapter of AMBUCS to reserve a location at Medical Center Park for the installation of a playground for special needs children. The site will be reserved for five (5) years to allow AMBUCS time for fundraising.
E. Award - Specialized Paving Products:
Award to Responsive Proposer: Professional Coating Technologies, Inc. --$168,000.00
Overview;This item awards a contract for the purchase of paving products used to seal pavement in alleys. The Request for Proposal was distributed to 10 vendors, with only one response was received. The contract is for one year term with four (4) year options to renew. Funding for the purchase is available from the Street Department's approved 2013-14 Repair and Maintenance Improvement budget.
F. Award - Swimming Pools and Zoo Concession Supplies:
Award to Low Responsive Bidder: Ben E. Keith Foods -- $68,613.37
Overview;This item awards an annual contract for concession merchandize that will be sold at concession stands at the Amarillo Zoo and the three Parks and Recreation swimming pools. Ben E. Keith Foods submitted the sole bid from among eight (8) vendors receiving the bid. All specifications were met but costs comparison is not available as this is the first bid for a concessions contract. The contract is for a one year term with two (2) one year options to renew. Funding for the contract is available from Pool Operating Concessions and the Zoo Trust Fund Concessions budgets.
G. Purchase - Sheet Steel:
Award to low responsive bidder: Kloeckner Metals/Lake Steel -- $104,833.00
Overview;This item approves the purchase of sheet steel used by the Solid Waste Department to repair trash containers. The proposed purchase is for 1,580 4x8 foot sheets of steel. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget. The bid price reflects a 12.23% increase from the last purchase price in February 2013.
H. Purchase - Roof Top Chiller:
Award to low responsive bidder: CHE Inc. -- $53,690.00
Overview;This item approves the purchase of a 145 ton roof top chiller located on the Civic Center Grand Plaza roof. The chiller will replace the 1979 chiller damaged in last year's hail storm. The estimated cost was $75,000. Once delivered the installation of the chiller will be performed by the City's Facilities Department. Funding for the purchase and subsequent installation is available from the insurance settlement.
A. Approval: Tax Abatement Agreement for Coca-Cola Refreshments USA, Inc:
Overview;This item approves a Tax Abatement Agreement with Coca-Cola Refreshments granting a ten (10) year abatement of 100% of the City Property Taxes on qualified improvements and personal property taxes for the construction and development of a new facility in Reinvestment Zone 7 (CenterPort). The abatement of property taxes will be calculated only on the increase taxable value over the current property value in downtown Amarillo.
B. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview;License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the encumbrance of a private storm drain within the public right-of-way of Southwest 9th Avenue in Section 25, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County.
C. Acceptance - 2014 Special Events Trust Fund:
American Quarter Horse Association Adequan Select World Championship Show
Overview;This item accepts the designation from the Texas Comptroller for Special Event Trust funding for the 2014 American Quarter Horse Adequan World Championship Show in Amarillo. The funding will be used to enhance the event to increase participation and attendance. The special event funding will allow for a multi-party contract with American Quarter Horse Association, the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Amarillo Potter Event Venue District.
D. Acceptance - AMBUCS Playground for Special Needs Children:
Overview;The item approves an agreement with the Southwest Chapter of AMBUCS to reserve a location at Medical Center Park for the installation of a playground for special needs children. The site will be reserved for five (5) years to allow AMBUCS time for fundraising.
E. Award - Specialized Paving Products:
Award to Responsive Proposer: Professional Coating Technologies, Inc. --$168,000.00
Overview;This item awards a contract for the purchase of paving products used to seal pavement in alleys. The Request for Proposal was distributed to 10 vendors, with only one response was received. The contract is for one year term with four (4) year options to renew. Funding for the purchase is available from the Street Department's approved 2013-14 Repair and Maintenance Improvement budget.
F. Award - Swimming Pools and Zoo Concession Supplies:
Award to Low Responsive Bidder: Ben E. Keith Foods -- $68,613.37
Overview;This item awards an annual contract for concession merchandize that will be sold at concession stands at the Amarillo Zoo and the three Parks and Recreation swimming pools. Ben E. Keith Foods submitted the sole bid from among eight (8) vendors receiving the bid. All specifications were met but costs comparison is not available as this is the first bid for a concessions contract. The contract is for a one year term with two (2) one year options to renew. Funding for the contract is available from Pool Operating Concessions and the Zoo Trust Fund Concessions budgets.
G. Purchase - Sheet Steel:
Award to low responsive bidder: Kloeckner Metals/Lake Steel -- $104,833.00
Overview;This item approves the purchase of sheet steel used by the Solid Waste Department to repair trash containers. The proposed purchase is for 1,580 4x8 foot sheets of steel. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget. The bid price reflects a 12.23% increase from the last purchase price in February 2013.
H. Purchase - Roof Top Chiller:
Award to low responsive bidder: CHE Inc. -- $53,690.00
Overview;This item approves the purchase of a 145 ton roof top chiller located on the Civic Center Grand Plaza roof. The chiller will replace the 1979 chiller damaged in last year's hail storm. The estimated cost was $75,000. Once delivered the installation of the chiller will be performed by the City's Facilities Department. Funding for the purchase and subsequent installation is available from the insurance settlement.