A. Approval - 2014 Summer Food Service Program and Food Service Contract:
City of Amarillo and Texas Department of Agriculture
City of Amarillo and Amarillo Independent School District
Overview: This item approves the grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2014 Summer Food Service Program and the related contract with the Amarillo Independent School District. The proposed program will provide lunches and snacks to an estimated 6,215 children at 51 sites throughout Amarillo beginning June 2 and ending August 5. The program is funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Amarillo Independent School District (AISD) will prepare and deliver meals and snacks for the program. The TDA grant will fund the meals at a cost of $2.71 each and snacks at a cost of $0.78 each and will further fund the operational and administrative cost incurred by the City for the program. The proposed grant will serve an estimated 1,680 more children than last year.
B. Award - Rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy to Coulter:
Award to low responsive bidder - L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction - $2,071,210
Overview: This item awards the contract to rehabilitate Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road (Loop 335) to Coulter Street. The proposed project will consist of a complete reconstruction of the road surface, subgrade and base material as well as the necessary curb and gutter, traffic island and related items. The proposed contract is 4.7% higher than the revised estimate and funding for the award is available in the approved Engineering Department Capital Improvement Program.
C. Contract - Quarter Horse Adequan World Championship Show:
Overview: This contract authorizes a multi-party contract with American Quarter Horse Association, the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Amarillo Potter Event Venue District for funding through the State Special Event Trust Fund for the 2014 Adequan World Championship Show in Amarillo.
D. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
A. Approval - 2014 Summer Food Service Program and Food Service Contract:
City of Amarillo and Texas Department of Agriculture
City of Amarillo and Amarillo Independent School District
Overview: This item approves the grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2014 Summer Food Service Program and the related contract with the Amarillo Independent School District. The proposed program will provide lunches and snacks to an estimated 6,215 children at 51 sites throughout Amarillo beginning June 2 and ending August 5. The program is funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Amarillo Independent School District (AISD) will prepare and deliver meals and snacks for the program. The TDA grant will fund the meals at a cost of $2.71 each and snacks at a cost of $0.78 each and will further fund the operational and administrative cost incurred by the City for the program. The proposed grant will serve an estimated 1,680 more children than last year.
B. Award - Rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy to Coulter:
Award to low responsive bidder - L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction - $2,071,210
Overview: This item awards the contract to rehabilitate Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road (Loop 335) to Coulter Street. The proposed project will consist of a complete reconstruction of the road surface, subgrade and base material as well as the necessary curb and gutter, traffic island and related items. The proposed contract is 4.7% higher than the revised estimate and funding for the award is available in the approved Engineering Department Capital Improvement Program.
C. Contract - Quarter Horse Adequan World Championship Show:
Overview: This contract authorizes a multi-party contract with American Quarter Horse Association, the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Amarillo Potter Event Venue District for funding through the State Special Event Trust Fund for the 2014 Adequan World Championship Show in Amarillo.
D. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.