A. Award - Playground Equipment:
Overview: Award on BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Exerplay, Inc. -- $174,984.20
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of a new ADA Accessible playground at Sleepy Hollow School Park. The new equipment will replace equipment installed in the early 1990's that does not meet current ADA & CPSC requirements. The cost of the project is a 21% increase from two previous purchases in 2013. The increase in cost results primarily from the need to replace curbing and extend a sidewalk connection. The approved budget is $175,000 and is available in the FY 2013-2014 Parks Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
B. Award - City Telephone System Hardware and Software:
Award on State of Texas DIR contract pricing:
North American Communications Resource, Inc. (NACR) -- $90,750.11
Overview: This item awards a contract to purchase the Avaya Communication Suite telephone system, voice mail system servers and Avaya Aura Communication Suite software. The purchase will replace obsolete telephone equipment at City Hall and the Police Department. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program budget for Telephone Switch Upgrades.
C. Award - Fertilizer Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Justin Seed $64,649.60
Lines 1,7,15,16
BWI Dallas/Ft. Worth $128,367.96
Lines 2,3,8,10,14,18-21
Golf Enviro Systems $5,737.60
Lines 4,12,13
John Deere Landscapes $7,866.72
Lines 5,11
A. Award - Playground Equipment:
Overview: Award on BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Exerplay, Inc. -- $174,984.20
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of a new ADA Accessible playground at Sleepy Hollow School Park. The new equipment will replace equipment installed in the early 1990's that does not meet current ADA & CPSC requirements. The cost of the project is a 21% increase from two previous purchases in 2013. The increase in cost results primarily from the need to replace curbing and extend a sidewalk connection. The approved budget is $175,000 and is available in the FY 2013-2014 Parks Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
B. Award - City Telephone System Hardware and Software:
Award on State of Texas DIR contract pricing:
North American Communications Resource, Inc. (NACR) -- $90,750.11
Overview: This item awards a contract to purchase the Avaya Communication Suite telephone system, voice mail system servers and Avaya Aura Communication Suite software. The purchase will replace obsolete telephone equipment at City Hall and the Police Department. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program budget for Telephone Switch Upgrades.
C. Award - Fertilizer Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Justin Seed $64,649.60
Lines 1,7,15,16
BWI Dallas/Ft. Worth $128,367.96
Lines 2,3,8,10,14,18-21
Golf Enviro Systems $5,737.60
Lines 4,12,13
John Deere Landscapes $7,866.72
Lines 5,11