A. Award - Eastridge Park Lighting and Electrical Upgrades:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services - $93,765.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of 27 park walking trail lights around the perimeter of Eastridge School Park. Funding for this project is available from the approved 2013-2014 Community Development Annual Action Plan. The cost of the project represents a 4.5% increase from the last purchase in June 2013.
B. Approval - Wrap Network for City of Amarillo Health Plan:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Multiplan, Inc. - $102,204 annual estimated cost
Overview: This item approves a contract to secure out-of-network health insurance coverage for the City of Amarillo health plan. The proposed network will reduce incurred costs for healthcare services that must be accessed outside of the primary Alliance Regional Network or for services outside of Amarillo. The proposals were evaluated by City staff and by Holmes Murphy Associates with the recommendation to contract with MutliPlan, Inc. at a cost of $4.25 per month per primary covered member of the plan. Overall, this will provide the opportunity for significant cost savings for services outside of the primary Alliance Regional Network. Funding for this contract is available within the current approved Health Plan budget.
C. Approval Task Order #14 - Professional Services Contract -- Reconstruction of Rosenwald and Batson Drive:
KSA Engineers, Inc.: $111,325
Overview: This item approves a task order to KSA Engineers, Inc. for the necessary engineering design and bidding phase services for the reconstruction of Rosenwald and Batson Drives at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The cost of this contract will be funded 90% by current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dedicated grant funds with the remaining 10% funded by budgeted Airport matching funds.
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Randall County.
A. Award - Eastridge Park Lighting and Electrical Upgrades:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services - $93,765.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of 27 park walking trail lights around the perimeter of Eastridge School Park. Funding for this project is available from the approved 2013-2014 Community Development Annual Action Plan. The cost of the project represents a 4.5% increase from the last purchase in June 2013.
B. Approval - Wrap Network for City of Amarillo Health Plan:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Multiplan, Inc. - $102,204 annual estimated cost
Overview: This item approves a contract to secure out-of-network health insurance coverage for the City of Amarillo health plan. The proposed network will reduce incurred costs for healthcare services that must be accessed outside of the primary Alliance Regional Network or for services outside of Amarillo. The proposals were evaluated by City staff and by Holmes Murphy Associates with the recommendation to contract with MutliPlan, Inc. at a cost of $4.25 per month per primary covered member of the plan. Overall, this will provide the opportunity for significant cost savings for services outside of the primary Alliance Regional Network. Funding for this contract is available within the current approved Health Plan budget.
C. Approval Task Order #14 - Professional Services Contract -- Reconstruction of Rosenwald and Batson Drive:
KSA Engineers, Inc.: $111,325
Overview: This item approves a task order to KSA Engineers, Inc. for the necessary engineering design and bidding phase services for the reconstruction of Rosenwald and Batson Drives at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The cost of this contract will be funded 90% by current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dedicated grant funds with the remaining 10% funded by budgeted Airport matching funds.
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Randall County.