A. Purchase - Transfer Station Heavy Equipment:
Award to low responsive bidder: Warren Cat -- $159,084.74
This item approves the purchase of a 5.4 yard articulated wheel loader to replace a 2005 model unit that has exceeded its usable life span. The bid price reflects a trade-in value of $30,000 for the current machine. The cost is 3% less than the last purchase in 2009. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery General budget.
B. Award - Radio Communications for School Flashers and Traffic Signals:
Award on HGAC Smart Buy Contract
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. -- $149,397.16
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of radio communication system for 80 school zone flashers and traffic signals. This is the second phase of a three-year replacement program of the outdated control system. There is no increase in cost. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved 2013 Capital Improvement Project for the Signal and School Flasher Communication System.
C. Award - Downtown Redevelopment Utility Relocation:
Award to low responsive bidder: L A Fuller & Sons Construction Ltd. -- $1,135,437.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to upsize and reroute the sanitary sewer line to Pierce Street from Southeast 5 Avenue to Southeast 8 Avenue. The project will replace the existing deteriorated sewer lines in the alley and will also provide additional capacity. During the construction XCEL Energy and ATMOS Energy will replace and relocate their existing infrastructure. Further, conduits will be installed to facilitate the relocation of AT&T, Suddenlink, City Communications and others at the same time. Each utility will fund their project separately. Funding is available for the City's project from the approved FY 2012 and 2013 Utilities Capital Improvement program.
D. Award - Mowers, Golf Carts and Tractors:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment $264,034.20
Lines 1, 2, 9
Austin Turf & Tractor 96,865.64
Lines 3, 5, 6
Professional Turf Products 138,797.88
Lines 4,7,8,12,15
Kut-Kwick Corp 62,717.00
Line 10
Poston Equipment Sales Inc. 81,619.50
Line 11
Total Award $644,034.22
Overview: This item approves the purchase of mowers, carts and tractors for use by several departments. The equipment will replace units which have exceeded their useful life. The overall purchase represents a 16% increase in cost from the last purchases. Funding is available from the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.
A. Purchase - Transfer Station Heavy Equipment:
Award to low responsive bidder: Warren Cat -- $159,084.74
This item approves the purchase of a 5.4 yard articulated wheel loader to replace a 2005 model unit that has exceeded its usable life span. The bid price reflects a trade-in value of $30,000 for the current machine. The cost is 3% less than the last purchase in 2009. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery General budget.
B. Award - Radio Communications for School Flashers and Traffic Signals:
Award on HGAC Smart Buy Contract
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. -- $149,397.16
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of radio communication system for 80 school zone flashers and traffic signals. This is the second phase of a three-year replacement program of the outdated control system. There is no increase in cost. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved 2013 Capital Improvement Project for the Signal and School Flasher Communication System.
C. Award - Downtown Redevelopment Utility Relocation:
Award to low responsive bidder: L A Fuller & Sons Construction Ltd. -- $1,135,437.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract to upsize and reroute the sanitary sewer line to Pierce Street from Southeast 5 Avenue to Southeast 8 Avenue. The project will replace the existing deteriorated sewer lines in the alley and will also provide additional capacity. During the construction XCEL Energy and ATMOS Energy will replace and relocate their existing infrastructure. Further, conduits will be installed to facilitate the relocation of AT&T, Suddenlink, City Communications and others at the same time. Each utility will fund their project separately. Funding is available for the City's project from the approved FY 2012 and 2013 Utilities Capital Improvement program.
D. Award - Mowers, Golf Carts and Tractors:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment $264,034.20
Lines 1, 2, 9
Austin Turf & Tractor 96,865.64
Lines 3, 5, 6
Professional Turf Products 138,797.88
Lines 4,7,8,12,15
Kut-Kwick Corp 62,717.00
Line 10
Poston Equipment Sales Inc. 81,619.50
Line 11
Total Award $644,034.22
Overview: This item approves the purchase of mowers, carts and tractors for use by several departments. The equipment will replace units which have exceeded their useful life. The overall purchase represents a 16% increase in cost from the last purchases. Funding is available from the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.