A. Purchase - Dell Computer Equipment:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $213,774.25
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 160 Dell desktop computers and 30 Dell laptops as replacements for existing equipment and as the first time purchase of 36 monitors and one laptop. The existing equipment has been in service six (6) years and the new equipment for the Amarillo Police Department will enhance productivity and investigations. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Information Technology and Police Department budgets.
B. Approval - Tickets.com Software Upgrade:
Award to proprietary source: Tickets.com -- $159,500.00
Overview: This item approves the extension and upgrade of the existing ticketing software and services provided to Amarillo Civic Center Complex and Panhandle Tickets. Tickets.Com is a propriety source. The new agreement is a seven (7) year extension with 3 additional one-year options to extend. The new agreement provides upgrades to the software, hosting services and interfaces available to the Civic Center customers, and to organizations that use Panhandle Tickets services. The new agreement decreases the cost by an average of 14.25% over the term of the agreement. Funding for upgrade is available from approved Box Office operating budget.
A. Purchase - Dell Computer Equipment:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $213,774.25
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 160 Dell desktop computers and 30 Dell laptops as replacements for existing equipment and as the first time purchase of 36 monitors and one laptop. The existing equipment has been in service six (6) years and the new equipment for the Amarillo Police Department will enhance productivity and investigations. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Information Technology and Police Department budgets.
B. Approval - Tickets.com Software Upgrade:
Award to proprietary source: Tickets.com -- $159,500.00
Overview: This item approves the extension and upgrade of the existing ticketing software and services provided to Amarillo Civic Center Complex and Panhandle Tickets. Tickets.Com is a propriety source. The new agreement is a seven (7) year extension with 3 additional one-year options to extend. The new agreement provides upgrades to the software, hosting services and interfaces available to the Civic Center customers, and to organizations that use Panhandle Tickets services. The new agreement decreases the cost by an average of 14.25% over the term of the agreement. Funding for upgrade is available from approved Box Office operating budget.