A. Purchase - GVWR Truck with Sewer Rodder:
Award on Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Silsbee Ford, Inc. -- $80,593.26
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 16,500 GVWR truck with sewer rodder from the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contact. The purchase is a scheduled replacement of the 2002 truck which has exceeded its usable lifespan. The cost is a 18% increase over the last purchase in 2009. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Purchase - Cars and Light Trucks:
Award on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement:
Silsbee Ford, Inc. - Lines 1,3-17 $1,480,123.83
Lines 2 and 18 are not awarded at this time
Overview: This item approves the purchase of cars, vans and trucks including police vehicles for various departments. This is a budgeted purchase to replace patrol vehicles which have exceeded their usable life. Funding for the purchases is in the approved Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement fund.
C. Award - Tire Supply Agreement:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications as follows:
A to Z Tire & Battery - Lines 3,12,14,16,18,23 $ 95,430.00
Autco Tire - Line 22 18,640.00
Bill Williams Tire Center - Line 10 3,450.00
Hathaway Industries - Lines 1,2,4,5,7-9,15,17,19-21 280,151.40
Southern Tire Mart - Lines 6,11,13 11,550.00
Total Award $409,221.40
Overview: This item approves the award of multiple annual contracts for tires stocked by the City Warehouse. The items include the tires most commonly needed throughout the year for City cars, light trucks, heavy trucks and buses. Quantities of each tire are held in stock for immediate availability and are restocked as needed throughout the year. This bid represents a 5.43% decrease from last year. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Warehouse Inventory budget.
D. Approval - Annual Advertising Contract:
Award to AGN Media
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the City's advertising with the Amarillo Globe News. The contract with AGN Media provides for both print and online products at contract rates specific to the City of Amarillo for employment advertisements, legal notices, and other required publications and notices for all City departments. During 2012-2013 the City's expenditures the Amarillo Globe News was $97,876.46.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Ridgeview Medical Center Unit No. 4, in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for a retaining wall located within the right-of-way.
A. Purchase - GVWR Truck with Sewer Rodder:
Award on Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Silsbee Ford, Inc. -- $80,593.26
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 16,500 GVWR truck with sewer rodder from the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contact. The purchase is a scheduled replacement of the 2002 truck which has exceeded its usable lifespan. The cost is a 18% increase over the last purchase in 2009. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Purchase - Cars and Light Trucks:
Award on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement:
Silsbee Ford, Inc. - Lines 1,3-17 $1,480,123.83
Lines 2 and 18 are not awarded at this time
Overview: This item approves the purchase of cars, vans and trucks including police vehicles for various departments. This is a budgeted purchase to replace patrol vehicles which have exceeded their usable life. Funding for the purchases is in the approved Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement fund.
C. Award - Tire Supply Agreement:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications as follows:
A to Z Tire & Battery - Lines 3,12,14,16,18,23 $ 95,430.00
Autco Tire - Line 22 18,640.00
Bill Williams Tire Center - Line 10 3,450.00
Hathaway Industries - Lines 1,2,4,5,7-9,15,17,19-21 280,151.40
Southern Tire Mart - Lines 6,11,13 11,550.00
Total Award $409,221.40
Overview: This item approves the award of multiple annual contracts for tires stocked by the City Warehouse. The items include the tires most commonly needed throughout the year for City cars, light trucks, heavy trucks and buses. Quantities of each tire are held in stock for immediate availability and are restocked as needed throughout the year. This bid represents a 5.43% decrease from last year. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Warehouse Inventory budget.
D. Approval - Annual Advertising Contract:
Award to AGN Media
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the City's advertising with the Amarillo Globe News. The contract with AGN Media provides for both print and online products at contract rates specific to the City of Amarillo for employment advertisements, legal notices, and other required publications and notices for all City departments. During 2012-2013 the City's expenditures the Amarillo Globe News was $97,876.46.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Ridgeview Medical Center Unit No. 4, in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for a retaining wall located within the right-of-way.