A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to low responsive bidder: OFS, Inc. -- $116,820.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. The purchase represents a 12.32% increase from January 2013 purchase. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2013/2014 Wastewater Collection Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Fire Trucks:
Award on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Hall Buick, Pontiac GMC -- $1,602,894.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two pumper fire trucks and one ladder fire truck for the Amarillo Fire Department. The purchases are scheduled replacements for a 1995 and 1996 IHC fire pumper trucks and one 1998 American ladder truck that have all surpassed their useable lifespan. These replacement units are recommended for purchase on the cooperative purchasing contract to ensure consistency across the fleet. Doing so allows for common training, quicker repairs, and reduces down time. This purchase represents a 6% decrease from the last purchase in 2012. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013/2014 Municipal Garage Budget.
C. Award - Asphalt Distribution Truck Purchase:
Award on BuyBoard Contract to Freightliner of Austin -- $157,946.69
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 2003 IHC Distributor Truck which has exceeded its useable life. The purchase of the Freightliner Asphalt Distributor represents no change in cost from May 2012. The equipment is used by the Street Department for seal coating, alley sealing and street repair, which begins in June. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
D. Approval - City of Amarillo Health Care Benefit Plan:
Overview: This item adopts City of Amarillo Health Care Benefit Plan for the 2014 plan year. Proposed changes to the Plan are necessary to comply with recent changes to federal healthcare law and to continue the City's practice of evaluating and recommending changes to the Plan to ensure it is operated in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to low responsive bidder: OFS, Inc. -- $116,820.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. The purchase represents a 12.32% increase from January 2013 purchase. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2013/2014 Wastewater Collection Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Fire Trucks:
Award on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Hall Buick, Pontiac GMC -- $1,602,894.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two pumper fire trucks and one ladder fire truck for the Amarillo Fire Department. The purchases are scheduled replacements for a 1995 and 1996 IHC fire pumper trucks and one 1998 American ladder truck that have all surpassed their useable lifespan. These replacement units are recommended for purchase on the cooperative purchasing contract to ensure consistency across the fleet. Doing so allows for common training, quicker repairs, and reduces down time. This purchase represents a 6% decrease from the last purchase in 2012. Funding is available in the approved FY 2013/2014 Municipal Garage Budget.
C. Award - Asphalt Distribution Truck Purchase:
Award on BuyBoard Contract to Freightliner of Austin -- $157,946.69
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 2003 IHC Distributor Truck which has exceeded its useable life. The purchase of the Freightliner Asphalt Distributor represents no change in cost from May 2012. The equipment is used by the Street Department for seal coating, alley sealing and street repair, which begins in June. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
D. Approval - City of Amarillo Health Care Benefit Plan:
Overview: This item adopts City of Amarillo Health Care Benefit Plan for the 2014 plan year. Proposed changes to the Plan are necessary to comply with recent changes to federal healthcare law and to continue the City's practice of evaluating and recommending changes to the Plan to ensure it is operated in the most effective and efficient manner possible.