A. Purchase - Ammunition:
Award on Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $69,157.57
This item is the purchase of ammunition for use by the Amarillo Police Department and the Amarillo Shooting Complex. The purchase includes duty and training ammunition for the Amarillo Police Department and also ammunition for use at the Complex. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Police Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corp. -- $77,700.00
This item approves the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Collection Department. Bags are provided to residential customers located on hand-pickup routes. This purchase is for 105,000 pounds of bags that will supply the customers on these routes for one year. This year's purchase reflects an additional 5,000 pounds of bags. The proposed purchase is less than the budgeted amount. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget.
C. Approval - Landfill Scale House Engineering Services:
Award to best evaluated proposer: CP&Y, Inc. - $69,675.00
This item approves a contract for engineering services for the design and construction of a new scale house at the Amarillo Landfill. The project includes the installation of new scales. The current scales, installed in the early 1990s, are nearing the end of their useful life. Funding for the project is available in the Solid Waste Improvement Fund.
D. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements:
A. Purchase - Ammunition:
Award on Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $69,157.57
This item is the purchase of ammunition for use by the Amarillo Police Department and the Amarillo Shooting Complex. The purchase includes duty and training ammunition for the Amarillo Police Department and also ammunition for use at the Complex. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Police Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corp. -- $77,700.00
This item approves the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Collection Department. Bags are provided to residential customers located on hand-pickup routes. This purchase is for 105,000 pounds of bags that will supply the customers on these routes for one year. This year's purchase reflects an additional 5,000 pounds of bags. The proposed purchase is less than the budgeted amount. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget.
C. Approval - Landfill Scale House Engineering Services:
Award to best evaluated proposer: CP&Y, Inc. - $69,675.00
This item approves a contract for engineering services for the design and construction of a new scale house at the Amarillo Landfill. The project includes the installation of new scales. The current scales, installed in the early 1990s, are nearing the end of their useful life. Funding for the project is available in the Solid Waste Improvement Fund.
D. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements: