A. Award - Professional Services Agreement - Lift Station #32 Replacement:
Award to best evaluated proposer:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - $629,062.00
TWDB Project #73663
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to provide engineering services related to the replacement of Lift Station #32 located in the 5800 block of South Osage Street. Lift Station #32 is a major component of the wastewater collection system. This facility is over 40 years old and rehabilitation is not feasible. The engineering services will include the planning and design and construction phases. The estimated construction cost is $11.6 million. Funding for this project is available from a Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan funded project in the amount of $377,693 and the balance from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.
B. Award - Professional Services Agreement - Georgia Street Wastewater Interceptor Design:
Award to: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $246,700.00
TWDB Project #73663
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to provide engineering services related to the installation of a 30" gravity flow sewer main from Wolflin Avenue at Georgia Street to 26th Avenue and also the installation of an additional gravity flow sewer main from Georgia Street at 26th Avenue to the intersection of 28th Avenue and Crockett Street. This project will allow the abandonment of an existing lift station in the area and will provide both efficiency and increased capacity for the wastewater system in the area. Kimley-Horn and Associates completed the original design for this project in 2007 and is recommended to provide these updated services. Funding for this award is from a Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan-funded project in the above amount.
C. Award -- Installation - Isolation Butterfly Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder - Mid West Fab and Construction, Inc. -- $57,910.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of two (2) 30 inch isolation butterfly valves for the backwash tanks at the Osage Water Treatment Plan. Funding for the purchase is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements Projects budget.
D. Purchase -- Public Health Mobile Medical Clinic:
Award to low responsive bidder - Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. -- $317,029.00
Overview: This item purchases a mobile health screening clinic for use by the Public Health Department to deliver adult immunizations services to the uninsured and Medicaid populations of Potter and Randall Counties. The purchase is a Texas BuyBoard purchase and meets the required functional and equipment specifications of both the Public Health Department and Municipal Garage. The equipment will be an addition to the municipal garage fleet. Funding for the project is available from the from the 2013-2014 Medicaid 1115 Waiver allocation to the Amarillo Hospital District.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
A. Award - Professional Services Agreement - Lift Station #32 Replacement:
Award to best evaluated proposer:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - $629,062.00
TWDB Project #73663
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to provide engineering services related to the replacement of Lift Station #32 located in the 5800 block of South Osage Street. Lift Station #32 is a major component of the wastewater collection system. This facility is over 40 years old and rehabilitation is not feasible. The engineering services will include the planning and design and construction phases. The estimated construction cost is $11.6 million. Funding for this project is available from a Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan funded project in the amount of $377,693 and the balance from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.
B. Award - Professional Services Agreement - Georgia Street Wastewater Interceptor Design:
Award to: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $246,700.00
TWDB Project #73663
Overview: This item awards a professional services contract to provide engineering services related to the installation of a 30" gravity flow sewer main from Wolflin Avenue at Georgia Street to 26th Avenue and also the installation of an additional gravity flow sewer main from Georgia Street at 26th Avenue to the intersection of 28th Avenue and Crockett Street. This project will allow the abandonment of an existing lift station in the area and will provide both efficiency and increased capacity for the wastewater system in the area. Kimley-Horn and Associates completed the original design for this project in 2007 and is recommended to provide these updated services. Funding for this award is from a Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) loan-funded project in the above amount.
C. Award -- Installation - Isolation Butterfly Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder - Mid West Fab and Construction, Inc. -- $57,910.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase and installation of two (2) 30 inch isolation butterfly valves for the backwash tanks at the Osage Water Treatment Plan. Funding for the purchase is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements Projects budget.
D. Purchase -- Public Health Mobile Medical Clinic:
Award to low responsive bidder - Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. -- $317,029.00
Overview: This item purchases a mobile health screening clinic for use by the Public Health Department to deliver adult immunizations services to the uninsured and Medicaid populations of Potter and Randall Counties. The purchase is a Texas BuyBoard purchase and meets the required functional and equipment specifications of both the Public Health Department and Municipal Garage. The equipment will be an addition to the municipal garage fleet. Funding for the project is available from the from the 2013-2014 Medicaid 1115 Waiver allocation to the Amarillo Hospital District.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.