A. Purchase - Vactor Truck:
Cooperative Purchasing Purchase: Freightliner of Austin - $329,051.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a storm drain vactor truck from the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contact. This truck budgeted addition to the Drainage Utility budget and is being purchased through the BuyBoard to ensure this unit will match existing equipment for uniformity in parts, service and training. The cost of the vactor truck increased 3% from the last purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase has been transferred to Municipal Garage Rolling Stock budget.
B. Approval - Engineering Services - Filter Air Scour System:
Award to best evaluated proposer: HDR Engineering, Inc. -- $328,700.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for engineering services for the Osage Water Treatment Plant's Filter Air Scour system. The contract provides for preliminary and final design, bidding, survey and geotechnical services. Project management expenses are included based on the estimate construction costs. Funding for the engineering services is available from the approved FY 2012 and 2013 Utilities Division Capital Improvement budgets. The estimated cost for project construction is in excess of $2 million.
A. Purchase - Vactor Truck:
Cooperative Purchasing Purchase: Freightliner of Austin - $329,051.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a storm drain vactor truck from the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Contact. This truck budgeted addition to the Drainage Utility budget and is being purchased through the BuyBoard to ensure this unit will match existing equipment for uniformity in parts, service and training. The cost of the vactor truck increased 3% from the last purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase has been transferred to Municipal Garage Rolling Stock budget.
B. Approval - Engineering Services - Filter Air Scour System:
Award to best evaluated proposer: HDR Engineering, Inc. -- $328,700.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for engineering services for the Osage Water Treatment Plant's Filter Air Scour system. The contract provides for preliminary and final design, bidding, survey and geotechnical services. Project management expenses are included based on the estimate construction costs. Funding for the engineering services is available from the approved FY 2012 and 2013 Utilities Division Capital Improvement budgets. The estimated cost for project construction is in excess of $2 million.