A. Award - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $152,625.00
Overview: This item approves an annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The contract provides for purchase of 75 protective bunker pants and coats. The purchase will replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. The protective clothing is tailored to the individual. The bid price reflects a 2.67% increase from the last purchase in April 2014. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Fire Department Operating Budget.
A. Award - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $152,625.00
Overview: This item approves an annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The contract provides for purchase of 75 protective bunker pants and coats. The purchase will replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. The protective clothing is tailored to the individual. The bid price reflects a 2.67% increase from the last purchase in April 2014. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Fire Department Operating Budget.