A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to sole bidder: OFS, Inc. -- $134,820.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City's Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. The cost has increased 13.35% from the last contract. Funding for this purchase is available the approved FY 2014-2015 Wastewater Collection Department Operating Budget.
B. Award - Sidewalks, Ramps and Driveways Construction:
Award to low responsive bidder: WSCA, Inc. -- $132,253.44
Overview: This item awards a contract for the construction of sidewalks, ADA ramps and driveways on the west side of North Grand Street from Amarillo Boulevard East to Northwest 16th Avenue. This project will improve pedestrian access along a major thoroughfare. The estimated cost of the project was $148,000.00. Funding for this project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program.
C. Approval - Change Order #2 - Storm Sewer Line Repair Contract for Hagy Boulevard:
Parties: Rudd-Palmer Co., Inc. and City of Amarillo
Original Contract: $42,993.23
Prior Change Order: $8,816.92
Change Order #2: $1,713.00 (net)
Revised Contract Total: $53,523.15
Overview: This item approves a change order for the Hagy Boulevard Storm Sewer Repair Project. The change order is necessary due to additional undermining of the line that was discovered during the original repair. This change order will substitute the installation of concrete in the void under the storm sewer line rather than base material. The concrete will result in additional protection from future erosion. Sufficient funds are available in the approved Capital Improvement Program project for this contract.
D. Approval - Engineering Services Contract - Osage Water Treatment Plant:
Award to Alan Plummer & Associates, Inc. -- $64,120.00
Overview: This item approves a consulting engineering contract with Alan Plummer and Associates, Inc. for engineering services at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The proposed contract includes the evaluation of identified issues with the existing filter beds and the development of recommended improvements. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Air Scour System project budget.
A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to sole bidder: OFS, Inc. -- $134,820.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City's Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. The cost has increased 13.35% from the last contract. Funding for this purchase is available the approved FY 2014-2015 Wastewater Collection Department Operating Budget.
B. Award - Sidewalks, Ramps and Driveways Construction:
Award to low responsive bidder: WSCA, Inc. -- $132,253.44
Overview: This item awards a contract for the construction of sidewalks, ADA ramps and driveways on the west side of North Grand Street from Amarillo Boulevard East to Northwest 16th Avenue. This project will improve pedestrian access along a major thoroughfare. The estimated cost of the project was $148,000.00. Funding for this project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program.
C. Approval - Change Order #2 - Storm Sewer Line Repair Contract for Hagy Boulevard:
Parties: Rudd-Palmer Co., Inc. and City of Amarillo
Original Contract: $42,993.23
Prior Change Order: $8,816.92
Change Order #2: $1,713.00 (net)
Revised Contract Total: $53,523.15
Overview: This item approves a change order for the Hagy Boulevard Storm Sewer Repair Project. The change order is necessary due to additional undermining of the line that was discovered during the original repair. This change order will substitute the installation of concrete in the void under the storm sewer line rather than base material. The concrete will result in additional protection from future erosion. Sufficient funds are available in the approved Capital Improvement Program project for this contract.
D. Approval - Engineering Services Contract - Osage Water Treatment Plant:
Award to Alan Plummer & Associates, Inc. -- $64,120.00
Overview: This item approves a consulting engineering contract with Alan Plummer and Associates, Inc. for engineering services at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The proposed contract includes the evaluation of identified issues with the existing filter beds and the development of recommended improvements. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Air Scour System project budget.