A. Purchase - Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete:
Award to best evaluated proposer: R.K. Hall Construction, LTD -- $900,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for use by the Street Department. This product is ordered and used throughout the year in the construction, maintenance and repair of paved streets and alleys. The base cost is $69.50 per ton which is an increase of 20.35% over the current contract. The proposed agreement includes a clause to adjust the contract price per ton upwards or downwards based on fluctuations in the price of liquid asphalt to protect both the supplier and the City. This purchase method has been used successfully in the past and ensures that this product is available on an as-needed basis. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2014-15 Street Department Operating budget.
B. Approval - Forensic Engineering Emergency Services Contract:
Award to RIMKUS Consulting Group, Inc. -- $57,650.00
Overview: This item approves an emergency services contract for professional forensic engineering services to assess the failure of the 30" vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sanitary sewer main in the Hillside Estates areas. This line was installed in 2007 and has sustained several systemic failures. The results of this forensic investigation will be used by the City to recapture costs associated with the failure and repair of this line. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Airport Lease Amendment No. 2:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Leading Edge Aviation Services, Inc.
Overview: This amendment extends the lease term for four (4) years per the terms of the original lease and adjusts the lease rate, including an annual CPI adjustment. Under the terms of the amendment the Airport will receive an additional $135,600 in rental revenue over each of the next four (4) years.
A. Purchase - Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete:
Award to best evaluated proposer: R.K. Hall Construction, LTD -- $900,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for use by the Street Department. This product is ordered and used throughout the year in the construction, maintenance and repair of paved streets and alleys. The base cost is $69.50 per ton which is an increase of 20.35% over the current contract. The proposed agreement includes a clause to adjust the contract price per ton upwards or downwards based on fluctuations in the price of liquid asphalt to protect both the supplier and the City. This purchase method has been used successfully in the past and ensures that this product is available on an as-needed basis. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2014-15 Street Department Operating budget.
B. Approval - Forensic Engineering Emergency Services Contract:
Award to RIMKUS Consulting Group, Inc. -- $57,650.00
Overview: This item approves an emergency services contract for professional forensic engineering services to assess the failure of the 30" vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sanitary sewer main in the Hillside Estates areas. This line was installed in 2007 and has sustained several systemic failures. The results of this forensic investigation will be used by the City to recapture costs associated with the failure and repair of this line. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Airport Lease Amendment No. 2:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Leading Edge Aviation Services, Inc.
Overview: This amendment extends the lease term for four (4) years per the terms of the original lease and adjusts the lease rate, including an annual CPI adjustment. Under the terms of the amendment the Airport will receive an additional $135,600 in rental revenue over each of the next four (4) years.