A. Purchase - Real Property 3208 South Washington:
Parties: Patricia Sutton and City of Amarillo
Price: $169,000.00
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves the purchase of the property at 3208 South Washington. With the acquisition of this property, the City will own the east half of the block on which Fire Station #5 is located, which will allow for the future redevelopment and expansion of the station. The existing Fire Station #5 was constructed in 1953. Funding for this purchase is from the General Construction reserve fund.
B. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Extension:
Award to low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors -- $205,401.15
Overview: This item approves a project to extend 1,300 feet of new sanitary sewer main along Hillside Road west from Coulter Street. The project cost is 4% less than the construction estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Wastewater Collection Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Agreement for Construction Services:
Xcel Energy -- $69,831.00
Overview: This item approves a fixed price agreement with Xcel Energy for the relocation of utility lines between Buchanan and Pierce Streets from Southwest 5th Avenue to Southwest 9th Avenue and from Southwest 7th Avenue from Pierce to Johnson Streets. The agreement includes the removal of the overhead lines and poles. The relocation project is part of the downtown development project.
D. Approval - Airport East Terminal Drainage Project- Task Order #15:
KSA Engineers, Inc. (KSA) -- $74,929.00
Overview: This item approves Task Order #15 with KSA Engineers to provide risk assessment, testing services and reporting associated with the current drainage improvement project on the east end of the Rick Husband International Airport. During construction, contaminated soil was found during the removal of fuel tanks. The scope of the remediation and reporting is stipulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will fund 90% of the testing and project documentation. The local 10% match is available in the approved Airport Capital Improvement Program project budget.
E. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: A 0.16 acre SPS Electric Transmission Line Easement in Section 42, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, Texas.
A. Purchase - Real Property 3208 South Washington:
Parties: Patricia Sutton and City of Amarillo
Price: $169,000.00
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves the purchase of the property at 3208 South Washington. With the acquisition of this property, the City will own the east half of the block on which Fire Station #5 is located, which will allow for the future redevelopment and expansion of the station. The existing Fire Station #5 was constructed in 1953. Funding for this purchase is from the General Construction reserve fund.
B. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Extension:
Award to low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors -- $205,401.15
Overview: This item approves a project to extend 1,300 feet of new sanitary sewer main along Hillside Road west from Coulter Street. The project cost is 4% less than the construction estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2013-2014 Wastewater Collection Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Agreement for Construction Services:
Xcel Energy -- $69,831.00
Overview: This item approves a fixed price agreement with Xcel Energy for the relocation of utility lines between Buchanan and Pierce Streets from Southwest 5th Avenue to Southwest 9th Avenue and from Southwest 7th Avenue from Pierce to Johnson Streets. The agreement includes the removal of the overhead lines and poles. The relocation project is part of the downtown development project.
D. Approval - Airport East Terminal Drainage Project- Task Order #15:
KSA Engineers, Inc. (KSA) -- $74,929.00
Overview: This item approves Task Order #15 with KSA Engineers to provide risk assessment, testing services and reporting associated with the current drainage improvement project on the east end of the Rick Husband International Airport. During construction, contaminated soil was found during the removal of fuel tanks. The scope of the remediation and reporting is stipulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will fund 90% of the testing and project documentation. The local 10% match is available in the approved Airport Capital Improvement Program project budget.
E. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: A 0.16 acre SPS Electric Transmission Line Easement in Section 42, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, Texas.