A. Civic Center Emergency Repairs:
This item is to ratify and approve emergency repairs undertaken at the Civic Center due to the burst water line and associated flooding. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §252.022 these emergency expenditures were made without bid. The expenditures included: electrical, replacement of water supply, environmental remediation, engineering services and equipment rentals.
B. Approval -- Amendment #1 to Agreement for Airport Master Consulting Services Reynolds Smith and Hill, Inc.:
KSA Engineers, Inc.
Overview: Two Master Engineering Services Agreements for the Rick Husband International Airport will expire in August 2014. Both engineering firms have on-going projects which will not be complete prior to the award of a new contract. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows for the month to month continuation of engineering services for projects still in progress. An amendment to each firm Master Agreement is attached. The open projects are as follows:
KSA Engineers: Rosenwald Street Construction
East Side Drainage Improvements
RS&H, Inc.: Airfield Electrical Improvements
C. Approval - Amendment to Annual Contract for Purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5):
Overview: This item extends the contract awarded by the City Council on April 15, 2008 for the purchase of asphaltic cement (AC-5) used in the City's annual street and roadway sealcoat program. The 2008 contract has been extended several times and provides for the purchase of the AC-5 product at the rack rate price at time of order. This extension will allow for the remainder of the 2014 sealcoat overlay program. New proposals will be solicited for the 2015 overlay program.
D. Approval - Lease Agreement:
Lessee: Manning Land, LLC
Lessor: City of Amarillo
Terms: Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the approval of an oil and gas lease agreement between the City of Amarillo and Manning Land, LLC. This agreement is for the purpose of investigating, exploring, drilling, marketing and producing, oil, gas, and all other minerals. The City of Amarillo owns surface and water and an undivided interest in minerals. The lease is for a term of 5-years. The property is located in Section 54, Block T, BS&F Survey, Carson County.
A. Civic Center Emergency Repairs:
This item is to ratify and approve emergency repairs undertaken at the Civic Center due to the burst water line and associated flooding. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §252.022 these emergency expenditures were made without bid. The expenditures included: electrical, replacement of water supply, environmental remediation, engineering services and equipment rentals.
B. Approval -- Amendment #1 to Agreement for Airport Master Consulting Services Reynolds Smith and Hill, Inc.:
KSA Engineers, Inc.
Overview: Two Master Engineering Services Agreements for the Rick Husband International Airport will expire in August 2014. Both engineering firms have on-going projects which will not be complete prior to the award of a new contract. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows for the month to month continuation of engineering services for projects still in progress. An amendment to each firm Master Agreement is attached. The open projects are as follows:
KSA Engineers: Rosenwald Street Construction
East Side Drainage Improvements
RS&H, Inc.: Airfield Electrical Improvements
C. Approval - Amendment to Annual Contract for Purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5):
Overview: This item extends the contract awarded by the City Council on April 15, 2008 for the purchase of asphaltic cement (AC-5) used in the City's annual street and roadway sealcoat program. The 2008 contract has been extended several times and provides for the purchase of the AC-5 product at the rack rate price at time of order. This extension will allow for the remainder of the 2014 sealcoat overlay program. New proposals will be solicited for the 2015 overlay program.
D. Approval - Lease Agreement:
Lessee: Manning Land, LLC
Lessor: City of Amarillo
Terms: Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the approval of an oil and gas lease agreement between the City of Amarillo and Manning Land, LLC. This agreement is for the purpose of investigating, exploring, drilling, marketing and producing, oil, gas, and all other minerals. The City of Amarillo owns surface and water and an undivided interest in minerals. The lease is for a term of 5-years. The property is located in Section 54, Block T, BS&F Survey, Carson County.