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INVOCATION: Matt Blake, Central Church of Christ
1. MINUTES: Overview; Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held on April 29, 2014.
2. ORDINANCE NO. 7457: Overview; This is the second and final reading of an ordinance adopting a revised Drought Contingency Plan for the City of Amarillo, including necessary triggering events and regulatory compliance requirements. Upon final adoption, this revised plan shall establish the terms and conditions under which the City of Amarillo will respond to water supply and demand conditions and the related implementation of the various stages of water demand reduction. Until such time as this proposed plan is finally adopted, the existing Drought Contingency Plan shall remain in full force and effect.
3. ORDINANCE NO. 7458: Overview; This is the first reading of an ordinance changing the zoning of a14.03 acre tract of land and a 17.24 acre tract of land to change from Agricultural District and General Retail District 2 to Moderate Density District and Residential District 2, respectively. This is recommended for approval by a 6:0 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
4. RESOLUTION - 2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) APPLICATION: Overview; This resolution approves the application for the 2014 JAG Grant and the related Interlocal Agreement with Potter County. Under the terms of the grant, the City of Amarillo will apply for $102,183 and will allocate the grant proceeds on an equal basis with Potter County. The Amarillo Police Department will use $51,091.50 which is the City's portion of the grant to purchase additional electronic ticket writers.
5. RESOLUTION - PUBLIC HEARING ON 2015 PROGRAM OF PROJECTS AND APPROVAL OF THE 2015 GRANT APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING FOR THE AMARILLO CITY TRANSIT SYSTEM: Overview; This resolution conducts a public hearing on the 2015 Program of Projects and authorizes the City of Amarillo to submit a grant application to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for fiscal year 2014-2015 operating and capital assistance for the Amarillo City Transit Department. The City will receive an allocation from both the Federal Transit Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation. The current year allocations are: Federal FTA Funds $3,168,446
TxDOT Funds $ 393,842
Local Funds $1,763,576
Total Capital and Operating $5,325,864
6. APPOINTMENTS - BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Overview; Appointments are needed for the following boards: Emergency Care Advisory Board (2 year terms)
04/21/2010 Roger Smalligan 04/21/2014
11/23/2010 Chuck Speed 04/21/2014 (AHD Appt.)
7. CONSENT AGENDA: Overview; It is recommended that the following items be approved and that the City Manager be authorized to execute all documents necessary for each transaction:
8. PRESENTATION: 2014 EVERY DROP COUNTS: Overview; This presentation will provide an overview of Amarillo's water usage and the conservation goals and activities for the 2014 Every Drop Counts Campaign.
9. PRESENTATION: Amarillo 101 Graduation and Recognition.
10. REPORT: Animal Control Update and Plan.
10. REPORT: Animal Control Update and Plan.
May 06, 2014 City Council Evening Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
INVOCATION: Matt Blake, Central Church of Christ
1. MINUTES: Overview; Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held on April 29, 2014.
2. ORDINANCE NO. 7457: Overview; This is the second and final reading of an ordinance adopting a revised Drought Contingency Plan for the City of Amarillo, including necessary triggering events and regulatory compliance requirements. Upon final adoption, this revised plan shall establish the terms and conditions under which the City of Amarillo will respond to water supply and demand conditions and the related implementation of the various stages of water demand reduction. Until such time as this proposed plan is finally adopted, the existing Drought Contingency Plan shall remain in full force and effect.
3. ORDINANCE NO. 7458: Overview; This is the first reading of an ordinance changing the zoning of a14.03 acre tract of land and a 17.24 acre tract of land to change from Agricultural District and General Retail District 2 to Moderate Density District and Residential District 2, respectively. This is recommended for approval by a 6:0 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
4. RESOLUTION - 2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) APPLICATION: Overview; This resolution approves the application for the 2014 JAG Grant and the related Interlocal Agreement with Potter County. Under the terms of the grant, the City of Amarillo will apply for $102,183 and will allocate the grant proceeds on an equal basis with Potter County. The Amarillo Police Department will use $51,091.50 which is the City's portion of the grant to purchase additional electronic ticket writers.
5. RESOLUTION - PUBLIC HEARING ON 2015 PROGRAM OF PROJECTS AND APPROVAL OF THE 2015 GRANT APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING FOR THE AMARILLO CITY TRANSIT SYSTEM: Overview; This resolution conducts a public hearing on the 2015 Program of Projects and authorizes the City of Amarillo to submit a grant application to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for fiscal year 2014-2015 operating and capital assistance for the Amarillo City Transit Department. The City will receive an allocation from both the Federal Transit Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation. The current year allocations are: Federal FTA Funds $3,168,446
TxDOT Funds $ 393,842
Local Funds $1,763,576
Total Capital and Operating $5,325,864
6. APPOINTMENTS - BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Overview; Appointments are needed for the following boards: Emergency Care Advisory Board (2 year terms)
04/21/2010 Roger Smalligan 04/21/2014
11/23/2010 Chuck Speed 04/21/2014 (AHD Appt.)
7. CONSENT AGENDA: Overview; It is recommended that the following items be approved and that the City Manager be authorized to execute all documents necessary for each transaction:
8. PRESENTATION: 2014 EVERY DROP COUNTS: Overview; This presentation will provide an overview of Amarillo's water usage and the conservation goals and activities for the 2014 Every Drop Counts Campaign.
9. PRESENTATION: Amarillo 101 Graduation and Recognition.
10. REPORT: Animal Control Update and Plan.
10. REPORT: Animal Control Update and Plan.
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