A. Approval - Interlocal Agreement - Water Supply:
Parties: City of Amarillo, Texas and City of Borger, Texas
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Amarillo and the City of Borger. The Agreement authorizes Borger to purchase up to 3 million gallons per day of water from Amarillo's Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA) allotment. Any water not purchased by Borger on a daily basis remains available to Amarillo for its use and Borger will pay to Amarillo a fixed amount for each 1,000 gallons purchased plus the costs assessed by CRMWA for any such water delivered to Borger. The contract begins on March 1, 2015 and ends on September 30, 2016 or upon completion of Borger's Northwest Well Field project, whichever comes first.
B. Approval - Substance Abuse Treatment Program:
Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs, Inc. (ARAD) -- $150,000.00
Overview: The item approves a contract for the design and implementation of a community-based outpatient substance abuse program for homeless clients. The target enrollment is 150 patients. The project is a component of the Department of Public Health's Medicaid Transformation 1115 Waiver program as approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
C. Acceptance - Grant Contract Amendment for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Granting Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services -- $812,199.00
Overview: This item accepts a six month contract extension for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program for the period of March 31, 2014 to September 30, 2014. This six month extension will complete the fiscal year and provide a total yearly funding of $1,642,052. WIC is a supplemental nutrition program for low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children up to 5 years of age. WIC provides health assessments, referrals, nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,094 participants per month.
D. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Project #13-08- 01:
Amount -- $3,100,000
Overview: This item approves an Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) project for the purchase of the Commerce Building in downtown Amarillo and adjacent surface parking. The purchase will allow the AEDC to work with various community partners to repurpose the building for a future use and will support the ongoing goals and objectives of the AEDC. The proposed purchase price is established by a current third-party professional appraisal. This project has been considered and approved by the AEDC Board of Directors on a 5-0 vote and is recommended to the City Council for their consideration.
A. Approval - Interlocal Agreement - Water Supply:
Parties: City of Amarillo, Texas and City of Borger, Texas
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Amarillo and the City of Borger. The Agreement authorizes Borger to purchase up to 3 million gallons per day of water from Amarillo's Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA) allotment. Any water not purchased by Borger on a daily basis remains available to Amarillo for its use and Borger will pay to Amarillo a fixed amount for each 1,000 gallons purchased plus the costs assessed by CRMWA for any such water delivered to Borger. The contract begins on March 1, 2015 and ends on September 30, 2016 or upon completion of Borger's Northwest Well Field project, whichever comes first.
B. Approval - Substance Abuse Treatment Program:
Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs, Inc. (ARAD) -- $150,000.00
Overview: The item approves a contract for the design and implementation of a community-based outpatient substance abuse program for homeless clients. The target enrollment is 150 patients. The project is a component of the Department of Public Health's Medicaid Transformation 1115 Waiver program as approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
C. Acceptance - Grant Contract Amendment for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Granting Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services -- $812,199.00
Overview: This item accepts a six month contract extension for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program for the period of March 31, 2014 to September 30, 2014. This six month extension will complete the fiscal year and provide a total yearly funding of $1,642,052. WIC is a supplemental nutrition program for low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children up to 5 years of age. WIC provides health assessments, referrals, nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,094 participants per month.
D. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Project #13-08- 01:
Amount -- $3,100,000
Overview: This item approves an Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) project for the purchase of the Commerce Building in downtown Amarillo and adjacent surface parking. The purchase will allow the AEDC to work with various community partners to repurpose the building for a future use and will support the ongoing goals and objectives of the AEDC. The proposed purchase price is established by a current third-party professional appraisal. This project has been considered and approved by the AEDC Board of Directors on a 5-0 vote and is recommended to the City Council for their consideration.