A. Purchase - Amarillo Police and Airport Police Uniforms:
Award to low responsive bidder: Nardis Public Safety, Inc. -- $57,840.00
Overview: This item awards an annual supply agreement for the purchase of uniforms for both the Amarillo and Airport Police Departments. The uniforms are stocked as inventory and distributed to officers as replacements for worn-out uniforms and to issue to new officers. The average unit price reflects a 4.56% decrease from last year contract. Funding for these purchases is in the approved departmental quartermaster inventory budgets.
B. Purchase - Radiological Monitors:
Award on GSA State and Local Disaster Purchasing Program:
Government Scientific Source, Inc. -- $222,879.80
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of Personnel Contamination Monitors for an emergency off-site monitoring and decontamination center to be operated by the Office of Emergency Management. The purchase includes set-up and training. The existing equipment was provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services and has reached its useful life. Funding for the purchase is available from the Department of Energy's Agreement in Principle grant program.
C. Acceptance - Emergency Management Performance Grant Award:
Grant Amount: $113,077.69
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management
Overview: This item accepts the FY 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant. Funds from this grant program are used to support the on-going program of services provided by the Office of Emergency Management to the residents of the City of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties. The funding represents a 11% reduction in funding from the current year.
D. Approval - Texas Department of Transportation Amendment to Standard Utility Agreements for Loop 335, Phase 1 - Water and Sewer:
Amount of Reduction: $61,543.77
Overview: This item approves an amendment reducing in the (TXDOT) eligible reimbursements for the City's water and sewer relocations associated with Phase 1 of the Loop 335 Expansion. After review by TXDOT headquarters, the total work eligible for TXDOT reimbursement was reduced by $61,543.77. The City will now fund this portion through the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program.
E. Approval - Agreement for Services with Center City of Amarillo, Inc.:
This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the preservation, improvement and revitalization of the Central Business District of Amarillo. Two sources of funding are included in the agreement:
F. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.
G. Approval - Purchase Public Utility Easement:
Purchase Amount: $34,079.10
Overview: This is a purchase of a 20 ft. permanent easement and a 50 ft. temporary construction easement for a future 18-inch sanitary sewer line in Section 45, Block 9, BS&F, Potter County, from Cryogenics Research & Development, Inc.
A. Purchase - Amarillo Police and Airport Police Uniforms:
Award to low responsive bidder: Nardis Public Safety, Inc. -- $57,840.00
Overview: This item awards an annual supply agreement for the purchase of uniforms for both the Amarillo and Airport Police Departments. The uniforms are stocked as inventory and distributed to officers as replacements for worn-out uniforms and to issue to new officers. The average unit price reflects a 4.56% decrease from last year contract. Funding for these purchases is in the approved departmental quartermaster inventory budgets.
B. Purchase - Radiological Monitors:
Award on GSA State and Local Disaster Purchasing Program:
Government Scientific Source, Inc. -- $222,879.80
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of Personnel Contamination Monitors for an emergency off-site monitoring and decontamination center to be operated by the Office of Emergency Management. The purchase includes set-up and training. The existing equipment was provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services and has reached its useful life. Funding for the purchase is available from the Department of Energy's Agreement in Principle grant program.
C. Acceptance - Emergency Management Performance Grant Award:
Grant Amount: $113,077.69
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management
Overview: This item accepts the FY 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant. Funds from this grant program are used to support the on-going program of services provided by the Office of Emergency Management to the residents of the City of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties. The funding represents a 11% reduction in funding from the current year.
D. Approval - Texas Department of Transportation Amendment to Standard Utility Agreements for Loop 335, Phase 1 - Water and Sewer:
Amount of Reduction: $61,543.77
Overview: This item approves an amendment reducing in the (TXDOT) eligible reimbursements for the City's water and sewer relocations associated with Phase 1 of the Loop 335 Expansion. After review by TXDOT headquarters, the total work eligible for TXDOT reimbursement was reduced by $61,543.77. The City will now fund this portion through the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program.
E. Approval - Agreement for Services with Center City of Amarillo, Inc.:
This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the preservation, improvement and revitalization of the Central Business District of Amarillo. Two sources of funding are included in the agreement:
F. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.
G. Approval - Purchase Public Utility Easement:
Purchase Amount: $34,079.10
Overview: This is a purchase of a 20 ft. permanent easement and a 50 ft. temporary construction easement for a future 18-inch sanitary sewer line in Section 45, Block 9, BS&F, Potter County, from Cryogenics Research & Development, Inc.