A. Purchase - Traffic Signal Parts and Accessories:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidders by lot as follows:
Traffic Signal Inc $12,005.00
Lot 1
K W Industries, Inc $7,620.00
Lot 2
Naztec, Inc $38,370.40
Lots 3, 4, 9
McCain, Inc $24,257.00
Lots 5,7
Traffic Parts, Inc $17,142.50
Lots 6,11
Endeavor Concepts, LLC $14,571.00
Lot 8
Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc $8,600.00
Lot 10
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc $1,029.50
Lot 12
Total Award $123,595.40
Overview: The total cost of the award is an increase of 6.2% from the current year. Funding for the contract is available from the approved FY 2012-2013 Traffic Engineering Department budget.
B. Award - Truck Wash-Out Effluent Collection Facility:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $117,945.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for a new wash-out facility at the City's Service Center. The project will replace the existing truck wash facility which is outdated. This truck wash out facility will use new technology and design. The project cost is 7% more than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 capital improvement project budget.
C. Award - Storm Sewer Erosion Outfall Control at McCarty Lake:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $297,711.00
Overview: This item awards a construction for the emergency replacement of the failed storm sewer outfall at McCarty Lake. McCarty Lake is located at South Georgia and Southwest 58th Avenue. The cost of the project is 10% less than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available from the approved FY 2012-2013 drainage utility capital improvement project budget.
D. Approval - Agreement for Transitional Housing Supportive Services:
Award to Downtown Women's Center, Inc. -- $41,908.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Downtown Women's Center to provide case management and supportive services for homeless individuals and families participating in the Transitional Housing Program. The City will provide funding to the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $41,908.00 and the Downtown Women's Center will provide $65,901.00 as the required local match for the Program. Funding for this agreement is available from the recently awarded Transitional Housing grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
E. Approval - Agreement for Permanent Housing Supportive Services:
Award to Texas Panhandle Centers -- $99,464.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Texas Panhandle Centers to provide supportive services as the required local match for rental assistance provided by the City of Amarillo to qualifying homeless individuals with serious mental illness participating in the Permanent Housing Program. The rental assistance program is available from the recently approved Permanent Housing grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
F. Application - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grants:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $129,222.40
Match Amount: $131,129.40
Total: $260,351.80
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2014Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources on Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses, Speed Enforcement, and Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat. Funding for this program has increased 14% from the previous year. The required matching funds are available in the approved Police Department operating budget.
G. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
H. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 3,755 feet MSL above the plat of Cross Texas Addition Unit No. 1, in Section 76, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Randall County, from Paul Fields.
A. Purchase - Traffic Signal Parts and Accessories:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidders by lot as follows:
Traffic Signal Inc $12,005.00
Lot 1
K W Industries, Inc $7,620.00
Lot 2
Naztec, Inc $38,370.40
Lots 3, 4, 9
McCain, Inc $24,257.00
Lots 5,7
Traffic Parts, Inc $17,142.50
Lots 6,11
Endeavor Concepts, LLC $14,571.00
Lot 8
Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc $8,600.00
Lot 10
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc $1,029.50
Lot 12
Total Award $123,595.40
Overview: The total cost of the award is an increase of 6.2% from the current year. Funding for the contract is available from the approved FY 2012-2013 Traffic Engineering Department budget.
B. Award - Truck Wash-Out Effluent Collection Facility:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $117,945.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for a new wash-out facility at the City's Service Center. The project will replace the existing truck wash facility which is outdated. This truck wash out facility will use new technology and design. The project cost is 7% more than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 capital improvement project budget.
C. Award - Storm Sewer Erosion Outfall Control at McCarty Lake:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $297,711.00
Overview: This item awards a construction for the emergency replacement of the failed storm sewer outfall at McCarty Lake. McCarty Lake is located at South Georgia and Southwest 58th Avenue. The cost of the project is 10% less than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available from the approved FY 2012-2013 drainage utility capital improvement project budget.
D. Approval - Agreement for Transitional Housing Supportive Services:
Award to Downtown Women's Center, Inc. -- $41,908.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Downtown Women's Center to provide case management and supportive services for homeless individuals and families participating in the Transitional Housing Program. The City will provide funding to the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $41,908.00 and the Downtown Women's Center will provide $65,901.00 as the required local match for the Program. Funding for this agreement is available from the recently awarded Transitional Housing grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
E. Approval - Agreement for Permanent Housing Supportive Services:
Award to Texas Panhandle Centers -- $99,464.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Texas Panhandle Centers to provide supportive services as the required local match for rental assistance provided by the City of Amarillo to qualifying homeless individuals with serious mental illness participating in the Permanent Housing Program. The rental assistance program is available from the recently approved Permanent Housing grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
F. Application - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grants:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $129,222.40
Match Amount: $131,129.40
Total: $260,351.80
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2014Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources on Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses, Speed Enforcement, and Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat. Funding for this program has increased 14% from the previous year. The required matching funds are available in the approved Police Department operating budget.
G. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
H. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 3,755 feet MSL above the plat of Cross Texas Addition Unit No. 1, in Section 76, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Randall County, from Paul Fields.