A. Award - Decant Bypass Line Improvements - River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $149,230.50
This item awards a contract to replace and extend the sixteen inch decant bypass line from the disinfection and filtration building to the equalization basin at the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. The bid price is 6% less than estimated. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements budget.
B. Approval - Airport East Terminal Drainage Project:
KSA Engineers, Inc. (KSA) -- $123,500.00
Overview: This item approves Work Order #13 with KSA Engineers to provide construction administration and testing services for drainage improvements on the east end of the Rick Husband International Airport. KSA will provide a resident project representative. The approved Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) project budget provides 90% of the costs. The local 10% match is available in the approved Airport Capital Improvement Program project budget.
C. Approval - Rehabilitation of Farmers Avenue from S Western Street to Georgia Change Order #1:
Award to L.A. Fuller and Sons Construction, LTD as follows:
Original Contract $1,400,000.00
Change Order Number 1 $67,902.20
Revised Contract: $1,467,902.20
Cumulative Change %: 4.6%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract required for additional excavation and embankment work to tie into the elevation of the recently installed storm sewer. Funding for the change order is available from the developer, Rockrose Development.
A. Award - Decant Bypass Line Improvements - River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $149,230.50
This item awards a contract to replace and extend the sixteen inch decant bypass line from the disinfection and filtration building to the equalization basin at the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. The bid price is 6% less than estimated. Funding for this project is available from the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvements budget.
B. Approval - Airport East Terminal Drainage Project:
KSA Engineers, Inc. (KSA) -- $123,500.00
Overview: This item approves Work Order #13 with KSA Engineers to provide construction administration and testing services for drainage improvements on the east end of the Rick Husband International Airport. KSA will provide a resident project representative. The approved Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) project budget provides 90% of the costs. The local 10% match is available in the approved Airport Capital Improvement Program project budget.
C. Approval - Rehabilitation of Farmers Avenue from S Western Street to Georgia Change Order #1:
Award to L.A. Fuller and Sons Construction, LTD as follows:
Original Contract $1,400,000.00
Change Order Number 1 $67,902.20
Revised Contract: $1,467,902.20
Cumulative Change %: 4.6%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract required for additional excavation and embankment work to tie into the elevation of the recently installed storm sewer. Funding for the change order is available from the developer, Rockrose Development.