A. Award - Carson County Wells - $942,548.00:
Best Evaluated Proposer - Hydro Resources Mid Continent, Inc.
Overview: This item awards a contract for the drilling and installation of two water production wells (#664 and #665) in Carson County. The contract includes drilling and evaluation of up to four (4) test wells and the completion of two as production wells. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2012-13 Well Addition Capital Improvement Project budget.
B. Award: Emergency Repair Contract - Amarillo Police Department Elevator Repair:
Award to low responsive bidder - American Elevator Company, Inc. --$55,480.00
Overview: This item approves an emergency purchase for a replacement elevator machine for the #1 elevator at the Amarillo Police Department building. An elevator machine is the device that powers the gear & cable assembly to raise and lower the elevator car. Elevator #1 is original to the building and was installed in 1957. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Facilities Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Historic Route 66 Sign Agreement:
Southwestern Public Service Company and Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association
Overview: This item approves a Light Pole License Agreement between the City, Southwestern Public Service Company, and the Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association to allow the placement of decorative Route 66 sign on street light poles owned by SPS/Xcel Energy and within the City's right of way. The Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association will fabricate, install and maintain the decorative signs.
D. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
E. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County to the highest bidder as listed on the attached.
A. Award - Carson County Wells - $942,548.00:
Best Evaluated Proposer - Hydro Resources Mid Continent, Inc.
Overview: This item awards a contract for the drilling and installation of two water production wells (#664 and #665) in Carson County. The contract includes drilling and evaluation of up to four (4) test wells and the completion of two as production wells. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2012-13 Well Addition Capital Improvement Project budget.
B. Award: Emergency Repair Contract - Amarillo Police Department Elevator Repair:
Award to low responsive bidder - American Elevator Company, Inc. --$55,480.00
Overview: This item approves an emergency purchase for a replacement elevator machine for the #1 elevator at the Amarillo Police Department building. An elevator machine is the device that powers the gear & cable assembly to raise and lower the elevator car. Elevator #1 is original to the building and was installed in 1957. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Facilities Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Approval - Historic Route 66 Sign Agreement:
Southwestern Public Service Company and Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association
Overview: This item approves a Light Pole License Agreement between the City, Southwestern Public Service Company, and the Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association to allow the placement of decorative Route 66 sign on street light poles owned by SPS/Xcel Energy and within the City's right of way. The Historic 6th Street Route 66 Association will fabricate, install and maintain the decorative signs.
D. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
E. Sale - Property:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County to the highest bidder as listed on the attached.