A. Purchase - Electronic Ticket Writers:
Award to low responsive bidder:
Brazos Technology Corporation -- $81,570.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of twenty five (25) Motorola electronic ticket writer machines, related software and service agreement for use by the Amarillo Police Department and Animal Control Department. The units are compatible with the ticket writers currently in service at the Police Department. This is a first time purchase for the Animal Control Department to increase the efficiency of operations with Municipal Court. The unit cost of ticket writers is 10.3% less than the last purchase in December 2009. Funding for the purchase of ten units is available from the approved 2012-13 Police Department operating budget and funding for the remaining fifteen units for Animal Control is available from the Municipal Court Technology Fund.
B. Approval - City Property Insurance:
Best evaluated proposer: Neely, Craig and Walton, LLP representing Affiliated FM
Annual premium -- $461,605.00
Overview: This item approves annual property insurance coverage for all City property, which presently has an estimated value of $923 million. In addition to property coverage, this award also includes terrorism, flood and earthquake, boiler and machinery, business interruption, fungus, mold and mildew and other specific coverage areas. The property insurance policy includes a $250,000 deductible per occurrence and represents a 70% increase over the previous policy premium.
A. Purchase - Electronic Ticket Writers:
Award to low responsive bidder:
Brazos Technology Corporation -- $81,570.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of twenty five (25) Motorola electronic ticket writer machines, related software and service agreement for use by the Amarillo Police Department and Animal Control Department. The units are compatible with the ticket writers currently in service at the Police Department. This is a first time purchase for the Animal Control Department to increase the efficiency of operations with Municipal Court. The unit cost of ticket writers is 10.3% less than the last purchase in December 2009. Funding for the purchase of ten units is available from the approved 2012-13 Police Department operating budget and funding for the remaining fifteen units for Animal Control is available from the Municipal Court Technology Fund.
B. Approval - City Property Insurance:
Best evaluated proposer: Neely, Craig and Walton, LLP representing Affiliated FM
Annual premium -- $461,605.00
Overview: This item approves annual property insurance coverage for all City property, which presently has an estimated value of $923 million. In addition to property coverage, this award also includes terrorism, flood and earthquake, boiler and machinery, business interruption, fungus, mold and mildew and other specific coverage areas. The property insurance policy includes a $250,000 deductible per occurrence and represents a 70% increase over the previous policy premium.