A. Award - Radio Communications for School Flashers and Traffic Signals:
Award on HGAC Smart Buy Contract
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. -- $138,993.44
This item awards a contract for the installation of radio communication system for school zone flashers and traffic signals. The purchase will begin a three year replacement program of the outdated modem pager system. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved 2012 Capital Improvement Project for the Signal and School Flasher Communication System.
B. Acceptance - Amendment to Agreement in Principle Grant Contract:
Grant Amendment Amount: $240,000.00
Grantor: Texas Department of State Health Services
This item accepts amendment #3 to the 2011-16 Agreement in Principle Grant Contract for services related to the Pantex Program. The Office of Emergency Management will use these carryover funds for the purchase of personnel contamination monitors. The amendment increases the grant award to $467,360.00
C. Sale - Property:
D. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements:
A. Award - Radio Communications for School Flashers and Traffic Signals:
Award on HGAC Smart Buy Contract
Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. -- $138,993.44
This item awards a contract for the installation of radio communication system for school zone flashers and traffic signals. The purchase will begin a three year replacement program of the outdated modem pager system. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved 2012 Capital Improvement Project for the Signal and School Flasher Communication System.
B. Acceptance - Amendment to Agreement in Principle Grant Contract:
Grant Amendment Amount: $240,000.00
Grantor: Texas Department of State Health Services
This item accepts amendment #3 to the 2011-16 Agreement in Principle Grant Contract for services related to the Pantex Program. The Office of Emergency Management will use these carryover funds for the purchase of personnel contamination monitors. The amendment increases the grant award to $467,360.00
C. Sale - Property:
D. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreements: