A. Approval - Bank Depository Contract:
Best evaluated proposer: Bank of America
Terms and conditions as noted
Overview: This is the approval of a new three (3) year contract with two (2) one (1) year renewals for bank depository services for the City. Bank of America has been evaluated to be the best proposer with the lowest net cost to the City for comparable services.
B. Award - Escalator Replacement at Rick Husband International Airport:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Schlinder Elevator Corporation -- $1,187,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to replace four (4) escalators in the airport terminal building. The Schlinder proposal has been evaluated and recommended by the City's consulting engineering firm, Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. The approved 2012-2013 FAA Airport Improvement Grant will provide 90% of the funding and the 10% balance is available in the approved Airport budget. The project budget is $1,900,000.00.
C. Approval - Lease Agreement for Mary E. Bivins Building:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Greater Southwest Music Festival, Inc.
Price -- $3,513.84 per year
Terms and conditions as noted.
Overview: This item approves a two (2) year lease agreement with an additional five year term with the Greater Southwest Music Festival, Inc. for first floor office space at the Bivins Building at 1000 South Polk Street. This space was previously leased by the Amarillo Symphony. The proposed lease rate and term will put this agreement on the same conditions and terms as similar leases in the building.
D. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Projects:
Overview: Project 13-05-01 -Western National Life/AIG - Facility Improvements:
This item approves a grant of $1 million from the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) to Western National Life/AIG to bring a new AIG Benefit Solutions division to Amarillo. The project will bring up to 120 new jobs to its Amarillo operations. The grant will assist with facility improvements, equipment, software and training for the new positions. The new positions will include management, professional and customer service professionals. The annual payroll impact of the expansion is estimated $4.7 million per year. AIG makes vendor purchases of more than $2.2 million per year. This is the eighth (8th) AIG expansion in Amarillo bringing their employment to 725 positions. This incentive agreement was considered and approved by the Amarillo EDC Board of Directors.
Overview: Project 13-01-01 -- West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) Enterprise Center - Business Facilitation Services Initiative:
This item approves a grant in the amount of $250,000 annually to expand the WTAMU Enterprise Center's services in Amarillo by adding Business Facilitation Services. The new services will provide an Entrepreneur Eco-System Plan for the community. The goal is to support entrepreneurs to create profitable, sustainable growth companies that produce jobs and payroll in Amarillo and the region. The grant will provide matching assistance for up to five (5) years. This grant was considered and approved by the Amarillo EDC Board of Directors.
A. Approval - Bank Depository Contract:
Best evaluated proposer: Bank of America
Terms and conditions as noted
Overview: This is the approval of a new three (3) year contract with two (2) one (1) year renewals for bank depository services for the City. Bank of America has been evaluated to be the best proposer with the lowest net cost to the City for comparable services.
B. Award - Escalator Replacement at Rick Husband International Airport:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Schlinder Elevator Corporation -- $1,187,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to replace four (4) escalators in the airport terminal building. The Schlinder proposal has been evaluated and recommended by the City's consulting engineering firm, Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. The approved 2012-2013 FAA Airport Improvement Grant will provide 90% of the funding and the 10% balance is available in the approved Airport budget. The project budget is $1,900,000.00.
C. Approval - Lease Agreement for Mary E. Bivins Building:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Greater Southwest Music Festival, Inc.
Price -- $3,513.84 per year
Terms and conditions as noted.
Overview: This item approves a two (2) year lease agreement with an additional five year term with the Greater Southwest Music Festival, Inc. for first floor office space at the Bivins Building at 1000 South Polk Street. This space was previously leased by the Amarillo Symphony. The proposed lease rate and term will put this agreement on the same conditions and terms as similar leases in the building.
D. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Projects:
Overview: Project 13-05-01 -Western National Life/AIG - Facility Improvements:
This item approves a grant of $1 million from the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) to Western National Life/AIG to bring a new AIG Benefit Solutions division to Amarillo. The project will bring up to 120 new jobs to its Amarillo operations. The grant will assist with facility improvements, equipment, software and training for the new positions. The new positions will include management, professional and customer service professionals. The annual payroll impact of the expansion is estimated $4.7 million per year. AIG makes vendor purchases of more than $2.2 million per year. This is the eighth (8th) AIG expansion in Amarillo bringing their employment to 725 positions. This incentive agreement was considered and approved by the Amarillo EDC Board of Directors.
Overview: Project 13-01-01 -- West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) Enterprise Center - Business Facilitation Services Initiative:
This item approves a grant in the amount of $250,000 annually to expand the WTAMU Enterprise Center's services in Amarillo by adding Business Facilitation Services. The new services will provide an Entrepreneur Eco-System Plan for the community. The goal is to support entrepreneurs to create profitable, sustainable growth companies that produce jobs and payroll in Amarillo and the region. The grant will provide matching assistance for up to five (5) years. This grant was considered and approved by the Amarillo EDC Board of Directors.