A. Purchase - Police Vehicles:
Award to low responsive bidder on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
Philpott Motors -- $305,800.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of ten (10) Ford Interceptor SUVs for the Amarillo Police Department. This is a budgeted purchase to replace patrol vehicles which have exceeded their usable life. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement fund.
B. Approval - Randall County Collection Contract for Public Improvement Districts:
Overview: The item approves a revised annual contract between the City of Amarillo and Randall County for the collection of assessments for the five Public Improvement Districts (PID) located in Randall County. The revision provides a uniform collection fee of $8 per PID account. The PIDs include Brennan Boulevard, Colonies, Greenways, Redstone and Tutbury representing 1,628 accounts.
A. Purchase - Police Vehicles:
Award to low responsive bidder on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
Philpott Motors -- $305,800.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of ten (10) Ford Interceptor SUVs for the Amarillo Police Department. This is a budgeted purchase to replace patrol vehicles which have exceeded their usable life. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement fund.
B. Approval - Randall County Collection Contract for Public Improvement Districts:
Overview: The item approves a revised annual contract between the City of Amarillo and Randall County for the collection of assessments for the five Public Improvement Districts (PID) located in Randall County. The revision provides a uniform collection fee of $8 per PID account. The PIDs include Brennan Boulevard, Colonies, Greenways, Redstone and Tutbury representing 1,628 accounts.