A. Award - Replacement of Boiler System:
Low responsive bidder: Tex-Air Mechanical Services -- $258,754.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the 1992 boiler system at Municipal Court and Police Building. The current system no longer complies with energy codes. The estimated cost for the project was $250,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved Police Department 2012-2013 capital improvement budget.
B. Award - Electrical Service at 808 South Buchanan:
Low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services -- $153,186.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate and upgrade the electrical service in the city-owned building at 808 South Buchanan. These efforts support the future renovation and redevelopment of the building and also support the continued relocation of utilities for downtown redevelopment. The estimated cost for the project was $195,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved 2012-2013 capital improvement budget.
C. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation - City of Amarillo Lease Agreement Amendment No. 1:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Economic Development Corporation
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the consideration of Amendment Number 1 to the existing lease agreement for the City-owned facility known as the former Ben E. Keith Building. This amendment re-structures the notice and termination periods to align with the approved sub-lease between the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) and their tenant. The amendment further clarifies the rent amounts for the lease term. Approval of this amendment is to the benefit of both parties and allows for the continued use of the facility as a beneficial economic development project.
A. Award - Replacement of Boiler System:
Low responsive bidder: Tex-Air Mechanical Services -- $258,754.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the 1992 boiler system at Municipal Court and Police Building. The current system no longer complies with energy codes. The estimated cost for the project was $250,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved Police Department 2012-2013 capital improvement budget.
B. Award - Electrical Service at 808 South Buchanan:
Low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services -- $153,186.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to relocate and upgrade the electrical service in the city-owned building at 808 South Buchanan. These efforts support the future renovation and redevelopment of the building and also support the continued relocation of utilities for downtown redevelopment. The estimated cost for the project was $195,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved 2012-2013 capital improvement budget.
C. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation - City of Amarillo Lease Agreement Amendment No. 1:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Economic Development Corporation
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the consideration of Amendment Number 1 to the existing lease agreement for the City-owned facility known as the former Ben E. Keith Building. This amendment re-structures the notice and termination periods to align with the approved sub-lease between the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) and their tenant. The amendment further clarifies the rent amounts for the lease term. Approval of this amendment is to the benefit of both parties and allows for the continued use of the facility as a beneficial economic development project.