A. Purchase - Police Patrol Rifles and Accessories:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Kiesler Police Supply $38,376.00
Lines 1, 2
Tac Pro Shooting Center $ 2,843.10
Lines 3, 4
Proforce Law Enforcement $22.979.91
Lines 5, 6
Total Award $64,199.01
Overview: This item approves a supply agreement for the purchase of rifles (AR1222) and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. Police officers who have completed specific training are allowed to purchase the rifles. The cost for the purchase is a 12.2% increase from the last purchase in April 2012. Funding for the purchase is available from the departmental quartermaster inventory budget.
B. Award - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $148,650.00
Overview: This item approves an annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The contract provides for 75 sets of protective bunker pants and coats and will replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. The bid price reflects a 4.2% increase from the last purchase in January 2012. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Fire Department Operating Budget.
C. Award - Electric Golf Carts for Ross Rogers Golf Course:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Club Car, Inc. - $146,965.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 35 electric golf carts for use at the Ross Rogers Golf Course. This is a BuyBoard purchase which allows for delivery prior to the April 2013 opening of the new Mustang course. The purchase will result in the required fleet size of 125 cars for the 36-hole complex. The unit price is the same as the last purchase in 2011. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Ross Rogers Operating Budget.
D. Award - Fertilizer and Botanical Products:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Golf Enviro Systems $38,165.00
Lines 1,2,9,40
Ewing Irrigation $2,723.00
Line 3
Pro Chem Sales $85,762.47
Lines 4,10-14,18,31,38-39
Winfield Solutions $94,173.24
Lines 5,8,15-17,19,20,22-24,28,30
E. Approval - Loan Agreement between the City of Amarillo and Amarillo Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1:
Overview: This item approves a loan agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Amarillo Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ). This agreement allows for the City of Amarillo to loan up to $1.5 million to the TIRZ for partial payment of the TIRZ obligations for the downtown projects that have been previously approved by the City, TIRZ, Potter County, and the Amarillo Local Government Corporation. This agreement will result in substantial cost savings to the TIRZ through a lower interest rate and related fees while allowing the City to receive a higher return on the principal amount than currently received. The TIRZ can support this obligation through current revenues and the loan will not be funded until such time as the obligations are incurred.
A. Purchase - Police Patrol Rifles and Accessories:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Kiesler Police Supply $38,376.00
Lines 1, 2
Tac Pro Shooting Center $ 2,843.10
Lines 3, 4
Proforce Law Enforcement $22.979.91
Lines 5, 6
Total Award $64,199.01
Overview: This item approves a supply agreement for the purchase of rifles (AR1222) and accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. Police officers who have completed specific training are allowed to purchase the rifles. The cost for the purchase is a 12.2% increase from the last purchase in April 2012. Funding for the purchase is available from the departmental quartermaster inventory budget.
B. Award - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $148,650.00
Overview: This item approves an annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The contract provides for 75 sets of protective bunker pants and coats and will replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. The bid price reflects a 4.2% increase from the last purchase in January 2012. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Fire Department Operating Budget.
C. Award - Electric Golf Carts for Ross Rogers Golf Course:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Club Car, Inc. - $146,965.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 35 electric golf carts for use at the Ross Rogers Golf Course. This is a BuyBoard purchase which allows for delivery prior to the April 2013 opening of the new Mustang course. The purchase will result in the required fleet size of 125 cars for the 36-hole complex. The unit price is the same as the last purchase in 2011. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Ross Rogers Operating Budget.
D. Award - Fertilizer and Botanical Products:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Golf Enviro Systems $38,165.00
Lines 1,2,9,40
Ewing Irrigation $2,723.00
Line 3
Pro Chem Sales $85,762.47
Lines 4,10-14,18,31,38-39
Winfield Solutions $94,173.24
Lines 5,8,15-17,19,20,22-24,28,30
E. Approval - Loan Agreement between the City of Amarillo and Amarillo Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1:
Overview: This item approves a loan agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Amarillo Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ). This agreement allows for the City of Amarillo to loan up to $1.5 million to the TIRZ for partial payment of the TIRZ obligations for the downtown projects that have been previously approved by the City, TIRZ, Potter County, and the Amarillo Local Government Corporation. This agreement will result in substantial cost savings to the TIRZ through a lower interest rate and related fees while allowing the City to receive a higher return on the principal amount than currently received. The TIRZ can support this obligation through current revenues and the loan will not be funded until such time as the obligations are incurred.