A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to low responsive bidder: PENCCO, Inc. -- $102,600.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-13 Wastewater Collection Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Computer Hardware:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $92,828.50
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a variety of replacement computer equipment and hardware including two minitower workstations, 80 desktop computers, two tablet computers, and eight new desktop scanners for records management. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved capital improvement project budgets for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
C. Approval - Tax Abatement Agreement for Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a Tax Abatement Agreement with Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., granting a ten (10) year abatement of 100% of the eligible City property taxes for the construction of Bell's newest military assembly center. The proposed project is a 249,000 square foot facility at an estimated construction cost of $28 million. The project is anticipated to be complete in April 2013 and is located in the City of Amarillo's newest Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone Number 8.
D. Approval - Amendment to Automated Red Light Program Service Contract and Right of Way Use Contract:
Overview: The item amends the contract with American Traffic Solutions (ATS) modifying the intersection locations at the following approaches and provides notice to proceed with installation of the cameras. The locations were recommended by the Amarillo Citizens Advisory Committee on October 31, 2012. The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) has approved the additional locations and authorized an amendment to the Municipal Maintenance Agreement between the City of Amarillo and TXDOT.
Remove Pierce Street at SE 3rd Ave, southbound approach
Replace with Amarillo Boulevard at Tascosa Road, northbound approach
Add Amarillo Boulevard at Fillmore Street, westbound approach
Add Amarillo Boulevard at Pierce Street, westbound approach
Add South Taylor Street/US287 at SE 10th Ave, southbound approach
E. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: 1) Dedication of a 15 foot drainage easement in Section 40, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall, County, in the vicinity of Hillside Road and Coulter Street, to channel watershed from the Colonies Subdivision to Hillside Road.
Overview: 2) Dedication of a 0.46 acre public ingress/egress easement in Section 40, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, in the vicinity of Hillside Road and Coulter Street to provide emergency response vehicles unencumbered access to Barrington Court.
Overview: 3) Dedication of a Common Area related to the Greenways at Hillside Public Improvement District, Lot 7, Block 6, The Greenways at Hillside Unit No. 27, Section 39, Block 9, BS&F survey, Randall County.
A. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Award to low responsive bidder: PENCCO, Inc. -- $102,600.00
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for the purchase of liquid ferrous chloride. This chemical is used by the City Wastewater Collection Department to help control odors in the system. The annual contract is for approximately 180,000 pounds of product delivered in a liquid form. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-13 Wastewater Collection Department operating budget.
B. Purchase - Computer Hardware:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $92,828.50
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a variety of replacement computer equipment and hardware including two minitower workstations, 80 desktop computers, two tablet computers, and eight new desktop scanners for records management. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved capital improvement project budgets for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
C. Approval - Tax Abatement Agreement for Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a Tax Abatement Agreement with Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., granting a ten (10) year abatement of 100% of the eligible City property taxes for the construction of Bell's newest military assembly center. The proposed project is a 249,000 square foot facility at an estimated construction cost of $28 million. The project is anticipated to be complete in April 2013 and is located in the City of Amarillo's newest Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone Number 8.
D. Approval - Amendment to Automated Red Light Program Service Contract and Right of Way Use Contract:
Overview: The item amends the contract with American Traffic Solutions (ATS) modifying the intersection locations at the following approaches and provides notice to proceed with installation of the cameras. The locations were recommended by the Amarillo Citizens Advisory Committee on October 31, 2012. The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) has approved the additional locations and authorized an amendment to the Municipal Maintenance Agreement between the City of Amarillo and TXDOT.
Remove Pierce Street at SE 3rd Ave, southbound approach
Replace with Amarillo Boulevard at Tascosa Road, northbound approach
Add Amarillo Boulevard at Fillmore Street, westbound approach
Add Amarillo Boulevard at Pierce Street, westbound approach
Add South Taylor Street/US287 at SE 10th Ave, southbound approach
E. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: 1) Dedication of a 15 foot drainage easement in Section 40, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall, County, in the vicinity of Hillside Road and Coulter Street, to channel watershed from the Colonies Subdivision to Hillside Road.
Overview: 2) Dedication of a 0.46 acre public ingress/egress easement in Section 40, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, in the vicinity of Hillside Road and Coulter Street to provide emergency response vehicles unencumbered access to Barrington Court.
Overview: 3) Dedication of a Common Area related to the Greenways at Hillside Public Improvement District, Lot 7, Block 6, The Greenways at Hillside Unit No. 27, Section 39, Block 9, BS&F survey, Randall County.