A. Purchase - City Fleet Vehicles:
Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Phipott Motors: $1,098,982.00
Lines 1,3,7,11,13,15,17,19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33
Sam Pack's Five Star Ford 121,952.00
Lines 5, 9, 25
Total Award $1,220,934.00
Overeview: This item approves the purchase of 67 cars, trucks and vans for use by various city departments. The purchase replaces vehicles which have exceeded their useful life as well as the additions and upgrades approved in the 2012-2013 departmental budgets. The prices reflect an over-all increase of 2.75% from last purchase. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 budget and the Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement Fund.
B. Purchase - Gate/Tapping Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder: Benmark Supply Company, Inc. -- $79,974.76
Overview: This item awards the annual supply agreement to provide various gate-valves and tapping-valves to the City Warehouse. These valves are purchased as needed and maintained in inventory for use by City departments. The price for the proposed purchase is 10.6% higher than last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 Central Stores inventory budget.
C. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corp. -- $72,240.00
Overview: This item is the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Department. Bags are provided to residential solid waste customers located on hand-trash pickup routes. This purchase is for 100,000 pounds of bags that will serve to supply the customers for one year. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 Solid Waste Department operating budget and the price above reflects a 2.9% decrease from last year's purchase.
D. Purchase - Ozone Generator Cells:
Award to low responsive bidder: Treatment Equipment Company -- $120,435.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of three Ozone Generator Cells for the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The cells will be available to reduce delays in water production in the event of an emergency. To maintain consistency with existing equipment, Treatment Equipment Company is the sole authorized vendor for the purchase. The purchase is 40% less than anticipated. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved 2012-13 Surface Water Treatment budget.
E. Purchase - Industrial Tub Grinder:
Award to low responsive bidder: W.H.O. Manufacturing Company, Inc. -- $326,249.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of an industrial tub grinder used by the Solid Waste Collection Department to process wood at the chipping site location through the City. This unit replaces a 2001 that has exceeded it useful life. The cost of the grinder is 30% more than the purchase price in 2001 and exceeds the estimated cost by $26,249. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage Equipment Fund.
F. Purchase - Self Contained Towed Wood Chip Processor:
Award to low responsive bidder: Rotochopper, Inc. -- $111,950.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a self contained, towed wood chip processor for use by the Park Maintenance Department. The unit will grind wood chips to the ASTM standards required for use in the City's playgrounds. The wood chips are used for playground surfaces as well as in flower and planter beds for parks and around our public buildings. This is the first purchase of this type of equipment. The cost is 7% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Parks Maintenance capital improvement budget.
G. Award - Westover Village Park Splash Pad:
Award on BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Kraftsman Commercial Playgrounds & Water Parks -- $175,400.10
Overview: This item awards the contract to construct a new splash pad for Westover Village Park. The proposed splash pad will encompass approximately 2,118 square feet with sixteen (16) spray features, an upright water feature, and a water wave and cage in the center. The project also includes four (4) picnic tables with a sail type shade structure. The project is awarded as a BuyBoard design build project for both cost and time savings. The balance of the site work will be performed by the Parks Department. Funding for this project is available from the approved 2012-2013 capital improvement project budget. The new splash pad is anticipated to be operational by Memorial Day.
H. Award - Wastewater Improvement Projects:
Award to low responsive bidder: Fuquay Inc. -- $139,996.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of a cured in-place fiber- polyester liner within existing sewer lines. The project includes locations at the Buck Street Creek Bridge crossing at St. Francis Drive and I-27/ Canyon Drive at 47th Avenue. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Wastewater Collection Capital Improvements budget.
I. Acceptance -HIV Prevention Contract:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $141,184.00
Overview: This item accepts an eight-month 2013 contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services for HIV testing, early intervention and linkages to care for high risk populations. The shortened contract will reconcile the contract period to the state fiscal year which begins September 1, 2013.
J. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 4,900 feet MSL above the plat of South Georgia Place Unit No. 29, in Section 163, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Randall County, from Amarillo Willow Grove Development, Ltd.
A. Purchase - City Fleet Vehicles:
Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Phipott Motors: $1,098,982.00
Lines 1,3,7,11,13,15,17,19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33
Sam Pack's Five Star Ford 121,952.00
Lines 5, 9, 25
Total Award $1,220,934.00
Overeview: This item approves the purchase of 67 cars, trucks and vans for use by various city departments. The purchase replaces vehicles which have exceeded their useful life as well as the additions and upgrades approved in the 2012-2013 departmental budgets. The prices reflect an over-all increase of 2.75% from last purchase. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 budget and the Municipal Garage Fleet Replacement Fund.
B. Purchase - Gate/Tapping Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder: Benmark Supply Company, Inc. -- $79,974.76
Overview: This item awards the annual supply agreement to provide various gate-valves and tapping-valves to the City Warehouse. These valves are purchased as needed and maintained in inventory for use by City departments. The price for the proposed purchase is 10.6% higher than last year's contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 Central Stores inventory budget.
C. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corp. -- $72,240.00
Overview: This item is the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Department. Bags are provided to residential solid waste customers located on hand-trash pickup routes. This purchase is for 100,000 pounds of bags that will serve to supply the customers for one year. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2012-2013 Solid Waste Department operating budget and the price above reflects a 2.9% decrease from last year's purchase.
D. Purchase - Ozone Generator Cells:
Award to low responsive bidder: Treatment Equipment Company -- $120,435.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of three Ozone Generator Cells for the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The cells will be available to reduce delays in water production in the event of an emergency. To maintain consistency with existing equipment, Treatment Equipment Company is the sole authorized vendor for the purchase. The purchase is 40% less than anticipated. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved 2012-13 Surface Water Treatment budget.
E. Purchase - Industrial Tub Grinder:
Award to low responsive bidder: W.H.O. Manufacturing Company, Inc. -- $326,249.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of an industrial tub grinder used by the Solid Waste Collection Department to process wood at the chipping site location through the City. This unit replaces a 2001 that has exceeded it useful life. The cost of the grinder is 30% more than the purchase price in 2001 and exceeds the estimated cost by $26,249. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage Equipment Fund.
F. Purchase - Self Contained Towed Wood Chip Processor:
Award to low responsive bidder: Rotochopper, Inc. -- $111,950.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a self contained, towed wood chip processor for use by the Park Maintenance Department. The unit will grind wood chips to the ASTM standards required for use in the City's playgrounds. The wood chips are used for playground surfaces as well as in flower and planter beds for parks and around our public buildings. This is the first purchase of this type of equipment. The cost is 7% less than budgeted. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved FY 2012-13 Parks Maintenance capital improvement budget.
G. Award - Westover Village Park Splash Pad:
Award on BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Kraftsman Commercial Playgrounds & Water Parks -- $175,400.10
Overview: This item awards the contract to construct a new splash pad for Westover Village Park. The proposed splash pad will encompass approximately 2,118 square feet with sixteen (16) spray features, an upright water feature, and a water wave and cage in the center. The project also includes four (4) picnic tables with a sail type shade structure. The project is awarded as a BuyBoard design build project for both cost and time savings. The balance of the site work will be performed by the Parks Department. Funding for this project is available from the approved 2012-2013 capital improvement project budget. The new splash pad is anticipated to be operational by Memorial Day.
H. Award - Wastewater Improvement Projects:
Award to low responsive bidder: Fuquay Inc. -- $139,996.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of a cured in-place fiber- polyester liner within existing sewer lines. The project includes locations at the Buck Street Creek Bridge crossing at St. Francis Drive and I-27/ Canyon Drive at 47th Avenue. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2012-2013 Wastewater Collection Capital Improvements budget.
I. Acceptance -HIV Prevention Contract:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $141,184.00
Overview: This item accepts an eight-month 2013 contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services for HIV testing, early intervention and linkages to care for high risk populations. The shortened contract will reconcile the contract period to the state fiscal year which begins September 1, 2013.
J. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 4,900 feet MSL above the plat of South Georgia Place Unit No. 29, in Section 163, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Randall County, from Amarillo Willow Grove Development, Ltd.