A. Purchase - Van and Camera Equipped Van Body:
Awards as follows:
Van -- Caldwell Country Chevrolet -- $36,335.00
Camera - Equipped Van Body - Cues, Inc. -- $166,634.58
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a van and van body to provide the capability to inspect storm water pipes and other facilities with a remotely operated camera system. Funding for this purchase is from the approved Municipal Garage budget.
B. Award -- Roof Replacement - Aviation Hangar 3000:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Tecta America CS -- $634,700.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the entire roof and removal of asbestos panels at Hangar 3000 at the Rick Husband International Airport property. The roof received substantial wind damage in 2012. The cost of the project was estimated at $750,000. The project is approved in the FY 2012/2013 Airport Capital Improvement budget and is largely funded by the City's insurance carrier.
C. Approval - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Overview: This item authorizes submission of a $9,000 grant to the Texas Transportation Commission for a "Click it or Ticket" campaign in May and June 2013. The grant will reimburse the Police Department for overtime costs associated with targeted enforcement activities related to seat belts use.
A. Purchase - Van and Camera Equipped Van Body:
Awards as follows:
Van -- Caldwell Country Chevrolet -- $36,335.00
Camera - Equipped Van Body - Cues, Inc. -- $166,634.58
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a van and van body to provide the capability to inspect storm water pipes and other facilities with a remotely operated camera system. Funding for this purchase is from the approved Municipal Garage budget.
B. Award -- Roof Replacement - Aviation Hangar 3000:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Tecta America CS -- $634,700.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the entire roof and removal of asbestos panels at Hangar 3000 at the Rick Husband International Airport property. The roof received substantial wind damage in 2012. The cost of the project was estimated at $750,000. The project is approved in the FY 2012/2013 Airport Capital Improvement budget and is largely funded by the City's insurance carrier.
C. Approval - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Overview: This item authorizes submission of a $9,000 grant to the Texas Transportation Commission for a "Click it or Ticket" campaign in May and June 2013. The grant will reimburse the Police Department for overtime costs associated with targeted enforcement activities related to seat belts use.