A. Purchase - Mowers and Utility Carts:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Luber Brothers $ 39,898.00
(Line 1)
Green Country Equipment $ 58,916.60
(Lines 2, 4, 5, 11)
Austin Turf and Tractor $ 22,985.03
(Lines 3, 7)
Western Equipment $ 33,821.38
(Lines 6, 10)
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment $ 14,576.00
(Line 8)
The Hall-Group $ 28,053.60
(Line 9)
Total Award $198,250.61
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of various carts and mowers to replace existing units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. Equipment purchased under this bid will be used by Comanche Trail Golf Course, Parks Maintenance, the Hollywood Road and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants, Street Department and the Animal Control Department. Pricing under this bid reflects a 5% decrease from the most recent purchases. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.
B. Award - Edgefield Addition Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
PM Construction and Rehab, LLC - $671,868.80
Overview: This item awards a contract to rehabilitate approximately 12,100 linear feet of sewer main in the Edgefield area. The sewer mains in this area have passed their usable lifespan and are subject to frequent blockages and repairs. Under the terms of this contract, six-inch, ten-inch and twelve-inch mains will be rehabilitated through the pipe-bursting method, which minimizes disruptions to the customers and the need for extensive open ditches. The proposed bid price is 5% lower than the estimated project cost. Funding for this award is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Emergency Solutions Grant Awards:
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
FY 2011-12 $158,780.00
FY 2012-13 $242,247.79
Overview: This item accepts two competitive grant awards from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for funding under the Emergency Solutions Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in total amount of $401,027. The FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 allocations are effective October 1, 2012. The funding will provide operational assistance for several of Amarillo's homeless shelters as well as agencies providing outreach and counseling services. Homelessness Prevention funding will again be available for rent and utilities deposits, and payment of delinquent rents and mortgage payments.
D. Approval - Tank Industry Consultants Professional Services Agreement Amendment #1:
Award to Tank Industry Consultants as follows:
Original Contract Amount: $133,220.00
Previous Amendments: $ 0.00
Proposed Amendment: $ 59,500.00
Adjusted Contract Amount: $192,720.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the professional services agreement with Tank Industry Consultants to provide contract administration and inspection services to complete the painting project for the Osage Elevated Water Tank. The painting project was stopped in the spring of 2012 to ensure the water tower was available for service during the summer demand periods and was returned to service on May 1, 2012. The contractor is ready to resume the painting and repair of the tank and this amendment is needed to allow for the necessary inspection, testing and other professional services to ensure the project is completed properly. Funding for this amendment is available in the original Capital Improvement Program budget.
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo.
A. Purchase - Mowers and Utility Carts:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Luber Brothers $ 39,898.00
(Line 1)
Green Country Equipment $ 58,916.60
(Lines 2, 4, 5, 11)
Austin Turf and Tractor $ 22,985.03
(Lines 3, 7)
Western Equipment $ 33,821.38
(Lines 6, 10)
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment $ 14,576.00
(Line 8)
The Hall-Group $ 28,053.60
(Line 9)
Total Award $198,250.61
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of various carts and mowers to replace existing units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. Equipment purchased under this bid will be used by Comanche Trail Golf Course, Parks Maintenance, the Hollywood Road and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants, Street Department and the Animal Control Department. Pricing under this bid reflects a 5% decrease from the most recent purchases. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.
B. Award - Edgefield Addition Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
PM Construction and Rehab, LLC - $671,868.80
Overview: This item awards a contract to rehabilitate approximately 12,100 linear feet of sewer main in the Edgefield area. The sewer mains in this area have passed their usable lifespan and are subject to frequent blockages and repairs. Under the terms of this contract, six-inch, ten-inch and twelve-inch mains will be rehabilitated through the pipe-bursting method, which minimizes disruptions to the customers and the need for extensive open ditches. The proposed bid price is 5% lower than the estimated project cost. Funding for this award is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Emergency Solutions Grant Awards:
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
FY 2011-12 $158,780.00
FY 2012-13 $242,247.79
Overview: This item accepts two competitive grant awards from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for funding under the Emergency Solutions Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in total amount of $401,027. The FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 allocations are effective October 1, 2012. The funding will provide operational assistance for several of Amarillo's homeless shelters as well as agencies providing outreach and counseling services. Homelessness Prevention funding will again be available for rent and utilities deposits, and payment of delinquent rents and mortgage payments.
D. Approval - Tank Industry Consultants Professional Services Agreement Amendment #1:
Award to Tank Industry Consultants as follows:
Original Contract Amount: $133,220.00
Previous Amendments: $ 0.00
Proposed Amendment: $ 59,500.00
Adjusted Contract Amount: $192,720.00
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the professional services agreement with Tank Industry Consultants to provide contract administration and inspection services to complete the painting project for the Osage Elevated Water Tank. The painting project was stopped in the spring of 2012 to ensure the water tower was available for service during the summer demand periods and was returned to service on May 1, 2012. The contractor is ready to resume the painting and repair of the tank and this amendment is needed to allow for the necessary inspection, testing and other professional services to ensure the project is completed properly. Funding for this amendment is available in the original Capital Improvement Program budget.
Overview: 2012 Every Drop Counts - Be Water Wise Update
This presentation will provide an overview of the year-to-date water usage in Amarillo.