A. Purchase - Traffic Signal Equipment and Accessories:
Award to low responsive bidders by lot as follows:
Naztec Inc. $ 54,965.00
(Lots 1, 5)
Structural and Steel Products, Inc. $ 33,473.00
(Lot 2)
Traffic Parts, Inc. $ 19,844.00
(Lot 3)
Republic ITS $ 12,729.00
(Lot 4)
Texas Highway Products $ 19,499.80
(Lot 6)
Control Technologies, Inc. $ 33,345.30
(Lots 7, 8)
Total Award $173,856.10
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of various new and replacement parts used for the maintenance and rebuilding of existing signalized intersections in Amarillo. Funding for this purchase is from both the capital and operating accounts in the approved Traffic Field Operations budget.
B. Acceptance - Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Grant:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $63,500.00
Overview: This item accepts fiscal year 2012/2013 grant funding from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program. These funds will support the Public Health Department's ongoing efforts regarding Tuberculosis prevention and control in the City and Potter and Randall Counties. The proposed funding is level from the current year.
C. Award - 12" Water Main Installation Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $474,622.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to install approximately 1,950 linear feet of 12" water main between S.E. 3rd Avenue and N.E. 3rd Avenue in the vicinity of Osage Street and includes crossing under the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail lines. This project will replace an existing line that is no longer serviceable. Funding for this project is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Well Field Electrical Service Improvements Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ray Electric Company -- $34,050.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to convert four existing wells in the Carson County Wellfield from the present overhead electrical service to new underground electric service. This is an ongoing project in the Carson County Wellfield and results in increased reliability at these locations. The bid price reflects a 19% increase from the same project last contract, largely due to increases in the price of the necessary copper cabling. Funding for this award is available in the approved Water Production Department operating budget.
E. Award - 12" Water Main Extension Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $84,451.77
Overview: This item awards a contract to install approximately 315 linear feet of 12" water main to connect an existing dead-end main to an existing 30" distribution main in south Washington Street. Funding for this award is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget. The bid price is approximately 29% below the original estimate.
F. Award - Professional Designs Services - Hangar 3000 Roof Repairs:
Award to Crenshaw Consulting Group LP -- $52,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary design and construction phase professional services to replace the roof on Hangar 3000 at the airport. This hangar received extensive roof damage during a recent weather event and repair is not feasible. This contract and the resulting construction contract will be funded by insurance proceeds less the required deductible.
G. Award - Airport Non-Exclusive Rental Car Concession Agreements:
Award to top four evaluated proposers:
EAN Holdings dba Enterprise Rent-A-Car
EAN Holdings dba National Car Rental
Overview: This item awards a concession agreement to four companies to provide rental car services at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. These four companies were selected on the basis of a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and all meet or exceed the requirements contained in the RFP. Under the terms of the agreement, each company will provide a minimum or floor payment for the use of facilities and right to operate at the Airport. The combined proposed payment to the Airport is $1,092,847 which exceeds the current combined payment of $875,000. Funds received under this contract are retained in the Airport fund and are used to support ongoing operations.
A. Purchase - Traffic Signal Equipment and Accessories:
Award to low responsive bidders by lot as follows:
Naztec Inc. $ 54,965.00
(Lots 1, 5)
Structural and Steel Products, Inc. $ 33,473.00
(Lot 2)
Traffic Parts, Inc. $ 19,844.00
(Lot 3)
Republic ITS $ 12,729.00
(Lot 4)
Texas Highway Products $ 19,499.80
(Lot 6)
Control Technologies, Inc. $ 33,345.30
(Lots 7, 8)
Total Award $173,856.10
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of various new and replacement parts used for the maintenance and rebuilding of existing signalized intersections in Amarillo. Funding for this purchase is from both the capital and operating accounts in the approved Traffic Field Operations budget.
B. Acceptance - Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Grant:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services
Grant Amount: $63,500.00
Overview: This item accepts fiscal year 2012/2013 grant funding from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program. These funds will support the Public Health Department's ongoing efforts regarding Tuberculosis prevention and control in the City and Potter and Randall Counties. The proposed funding is level from the current year.
C. Award - 12" Water Main Installation Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $474,622.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to install approximately 1,950 linear feet of 12" water main between S.E. 3rd Avenue and N.E. 3rd Avenue in the vicinity of Osage Street and includes crossing under the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail lines. This project will replace an existing line that is no longer serviceable. Funding for this project is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Well Field Electrical Service Improvements Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ray Electric Company -- $34,050.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to convert four existing wells in the Carson County Wellfield from the present overhead electrical service to new underground electric service. This is an ongoing project in the Carson County Wellfield and results in increased reliability at these locations. The bid price reflects a 19% increase from the same project last contract, largely due to increases in the price of the necessary copper cabling. Funding for this award is available in the approved Water Production Department operating budget.
E. Award - 12" Water Main Extension Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. -- $84,451.77
Overview: This item awards a contract to install approximately 315 linear feet of 12" water main to connect an existing dead-end main to an existing 30" distribution main in south Washington Street. Funding for this award is in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget. The bid price is approximately 29% below the original estimate.
F. Award - Professional Designs Services - Hangar 3000 Roof Repairs:
Award to Crenshaw Consulting Group LP -- $52,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary design and construction phase professional services to replace the roof on Hangar 3000 at the airport. This hangar received extensive roof damage during a recent weather event and repair is not feasible. This contract and the resulting construction contract will be funded by insurance proceeds less the required deductible.
G. Award - Airport Non-Exclusive Rental Car Concession Agreements:
Award to top four evaluated proposers:
EAN Holdings dba Enterprise Rent-A-Car
EAN Holdings dba National Car Rental
Overview: This item awards a concession agreement to four companies to provide rental car services at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. These four companies were selected on the basis of a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and all meet or exceed the requirements contained in the RFP. Under the terms of the agreement, each company will provide a minimum or floor payment for the use of facilities and right to operate at the Airport. The combined proposed payment to the Airport is $1,092,847 which exceeds the current combined payment of $875,000. Funds received under this contract are retained in the Airport fund and are used to support ongoing operations.