A. Purchase - Tractors:
Award to low responsive bidder: Green Country Equipment -- $58,620.42
Overview: This item is the purchase of two farm type tractors for use by the Street Department in their daily operations. These units will replace existing 1997 models that have surpassed their usable lifespan. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery Replacement Budget. The price reflects a 17% increase since a tractor was last purchased in 2010.
B. Purchase - Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder: HD Supply Waterworks -- $56,382.11
Overview: This item is the purchase of two replacement diaphragm valves. One is a replacement for the existing 20" valve at the 34th Pump Station and one is a replacement for the existing 8" valve for the McCormick Road metering station. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget
C. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the successful implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.
A. Purchase - Tractors:
Award to low responsive bidder: Green Country Equipment -- $58,620.42
Overview: This item is the purchase of two farm type tractors for use by the Street Department in their daily operations. These units will replace existing 1997 models that have surpassed their usable lifespan. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery Replacement Budget. The price reflects a 17% increase since a tractor was last purchased in 2010.
B. Purchase - Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valves:
Award to low responsive bidder: HD Supply Waterworks -- $56,382.11
Overview: This item is the purchase of two replacement diaphragm valves. One is a replacement for the existing 20" valve at the 34th Pump Station and one is a replacement for the existing 8" valve for the McCormick Road metering station. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget
C. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:
This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the successful implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.