A. Purchase - Key Control System:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Keytracer Systems -- $35,630.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a vehicle key control system for the Amarillo Police Department Uniform Division. The new system will improve the management and accountability of the fleet and will also allow supervisors to locate vehicles at all times. The existing system will be transferred to the Detective Division. Funding for this purchase is available from the Amarillo Police Department Seized Funds account.
B. Purchase - Fire Department Hydraulic Rescue Tools:
Award to sole vendor: Advanced Rescue Systems -- $25,755.00
Overview: This item is the purchase of TNT hydraulic rescue tools for the Amarillo Fire Department to equip the new fire engine vehicle to be delivered soon. The tools are vendor proprietary to match the existing units in service on all other front-line fire vehicles. This standardization allows for firefighter safety and commonality of parts, service and training. The cost of the equipment is 1.9% less than the last purchase in October 2010. Funding for this purchase is available from the approved 2011-2012 Fire Apparatus Equipment account.
C. Award - Fiber and Cable Installation between City Buildings:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ewing Cable, Inc. -- $92,830.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the relocation of the fiber optic and telecommunications lines between City Hall and the Amarillo Emergency Communications Center. The relocation of the lines is required to accommodate the downtown revitalization projects. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2011-2012 Downtown Line Relocation capital improvements projects budget.
D. Approval - Interlocal Loan Agreement:
Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA)
Overview: This item approves an equipment lending agreement between the City of Amarillo, Utilities Division and CRMWA for the use of the City's Semco S-30000 water well pulling rig. CRMWA will pay a rental rate of $2,500 a day, or any portion of a day, for work on CRMWA's water wells. Additionally, CRMWA will be responsible for insurance, the transport and return of the equipment fueled and in good condition. The use of the equipment is subject to availability.
E. Approval - City Bank Depository Contract Extension:
Award to Current Provider: Bank of America
Overview: This item is the approval of a one (1) year extension to the City of Amarillo's Bank Depository Contract with Bank of America. The original contract was approved in June, 2008 as a three (3) year contract with two - one-year extensions. The extension proposed under this item is the second of the possible one-year extensions. As part of this extension, Bank of America has agreed to waive one month of account analysis fees worth approximately $19,000 and credit the City for the purchase of merchant services equipment.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Water Line Easement:
Overview: A 10 ft. water line easement in Section 11, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, in the vicinity of Amarillo Boulevard and Western Street for the installation of a water main.
A. Purchase - Key Control System:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Keytracer Systems -- $35,630.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a vehicle key control system for the Amarillo Police Department Uniform Division. The new system will improve the management and accountability of the fleet and will also allow supervisors to locate vehicles at all times. The existing system will be transferred to the Detective Division. Funding for this purchase is available from the Amarillo Police Department Seized Funds account.
B. Purchase - Fire Department Hydraulic Rescue Tools:
Award to sole vendor: Advanced Rescue Systems -- $25,755.00
Overview: This item is the purchase of TNT hydraulic rescue tools for the Amarillo Fire Department to equip the new fire engine vehicle to be delivered soon. The tools are vendor proprietary to match the existing units in service on all other front-line fire vehicles. This standardization allows for firefighter safety and commonality of parts, service and training. The cost of the equipment is 1.9% less than the last purchase in October 2010. Funding for this purchase is available from the approved 2011-2012 Fire Apparatus Equipment account.
C. Award - Fiber and Cable Installation between City Buildings:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ewing Cable, Inc. -- $92,830.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the relocation of the fiber optic and telecommunications lines between City Hall and the Amarillo Emergency Communications Center. The relocation of the lines is required to accommodate the downtown revitalization projects. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2011-2012 Downtown Line Relocation capital improvements projects budget.
D. Approval - Interlocal Loan Agreement:
Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA)
Overview: This item approves an equipment lending agreement between the City of Amarillo, Utilities Division and CRMWA for the use of the City's Semco S-30000 water well pulling rig. CRMWA will pay a rental rate of $2,500 a day, or any portion of a day, for work on CRMWA's water wells. Additionally, CRMWA will be responsible for insurance, the transport and return of the equipment fueled and in good condition. The use of the equipment is subject to availability.
E. Approval - City Bank Depository Contract Extension:
Award to Current Provider: Bank of America
Overview: This item is the approval of a one (1) year extension to the City of Amarillo's Bank Depository Contract with Bank of America. The original contract was approved in June, 2008 as a three (3) year contract with two - one-year extensions. The extension proposed under this item is the second of the possible one-year extensions. As part of this extension, Bank of America has agreed to waive one month of account analysis fees worth approximately $19,000 and credit the City for the purchase of merchant services equipment.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Water Line Easement:
Overview: A 10 ft. water line easement in Section 11, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, in the vicinity of Amarillo Boulevard and Western Street for the installation of a water main.