A. Purchase - Computer Hardware Equipment:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $172,346.73
Overview: This item approves the purchase of servers, drives, minitower workstations, desk and laptop computers, and related hardware. The purchase includes both new (first time) units and replacement units. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved capital improvement project budgets for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
B. Award - HVAC Renovations to NE 24th Street Pump Station:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Brandt-Lyons Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. -- $26,629.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of a new air conditioning system at the NE 24th Street Pump Station to support the variable frequency drive. The project cost is18% less than estimated. Funding for the project is available from the approved Water Transmission Switchgear capital improvement project budget.
C. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Improvements:
Award to the low responsive bidder: PM Construction Inc. -- $568,638.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains in the San Jacinto Phase X area (Sunset Terrace). The proposed project will utilize the in-place pipe bursting method to minimize open cuts and ditches. The sanitary sewer mains and manholes in this area have deteriorated over time and now experience numerous backups in the wastewater collection system. The contract is 21% less than the estimated budget. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2011 Utilities Division's Sewer Main Rehabilitation Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Engineering Services Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: HDR, Inc. as follows:
Base Fee: $1,281,800.00
Not to Exceed Items: $ 187,000.00
Total $1,468,800.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary design and construction phase engineering services for a proposed water transfer pipeline from the existing 24th Avenue Pump Station to a point in 34th Avenue east of Osage. This pipeline would serve to allow the City to route water from both the Carson and Potter County Wellfields to the recently completed High Service Pump Station from the 24th Avenue Pump Station. Last year, the City approved the construction of a large diameter line from the new High Service Pump Station to a point in 34th Avenue as the first phase of the overall project to enable the more effective and efficient movement of water throughout the system. The first project was funded by the 0% interest loan used to construct the station. The proposed engineering services contract under this item, and the eventual construction of the transfer pipeline, are proposed to be constructed using funds remaining in the Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund (WIF) loans, which were secured at approximately 2% interest and which must be expended on projects directly related to the Wellfield.
E. Acceptance - Supportive Housing Program Grant Funds:
Overview: This item is the acceptance of a grant award from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support the ongoing transitional housing project in Amarillo. The grant award provides level funding for the period from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013 and will fund the following activities:
Supportive Services $ 41,908
Leasing $ 155,351
Administration $ 9,305
Total Award $ 206,564
Overview: The grant award requires a 25% cash match of the Supporting Services line item, which will be provided by the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $10,477.00. Acceptance of these grant funds will ensure that housing and case management services continue to be provided to homeless individuals and families.
F. Approval - Agreement for Supportive Services:
Award to Downtown Women's Center, Inc. -- $52,385.00
Overview: This item approves an annual agreement with the Downtown Women's Center to provide case management and supportive services for homeless individuals and families participating in the ongoing transitional housing project. The City will provide Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding to the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $41,908.00 and the Downtown Women's Center will provide $10,477.00 as the required cash match for the grant funds. Funding for this agreement is available from Supportive Housing Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
G. Approval - Shelter Plus Care Program Agreement for Services:
Award to Texas Panhandle Centers -- $356,676.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle Centers for the provision of client services associated with the 2012-13 Shelter Plus Care Program awarded to the City of Amarillo by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Shelter Plus Care Program provides rental subsidies to assist homeless, disabled individuals with a chronic mental illness and their families. The rental subsidies must be matched equally with supportive services. Texas Panhandle Centers will provide case management, counseling life skills training, vocational rehabilitation, pharmacological management and psychiatric services to program participants.
H. Approval - Change Order #14 - Osage High Service Pump Station Project:
Award to Garney Companies, Inc.
Original Contract Amount: $15,370,000.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 2,786,056.00
Requested Change Order: $ 114,644.00
Revised Contract Total: $18,270,700.00
Cumulative Change %: 18.9%
Overview: This item approves Change Order #14 to the existing contract for the construction of the Osage High Service (combined) Pump Station project. The change order allows for the insertion of line stopples as the well transfer line is tied into the 30-inch water distribution line on Southeast 34th Avenue. This method will avoid a shut-down of water service to the adjacent neighborhoods and fire lines. The subcontractor will remain on site during the stopple process which is to be anticipated 10 days. Funding for the change order will be funded entirely from the City's Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Program for the project.
I. Approval - Interlocal Agreement for Immunization Services:
Amarillo College and Department of Public Health
Overview: This item approves an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Amarillo College (AC) to provide low-cost vaccinations for Bacterial Meningitis to students enrolling at Amarillo College. Amarillo College will collect the fees for the vaccinations and pay the Public Health Department to manage the vaccine inventory and vaccinate individuals when presented with a unique AC receipt.
J. Approval - Legal Services Representation Agreement:
Award to Underwood Law Firm
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item approves a legal services representation agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Underwood Law Firm. The agreement is specific to the City's water rights in the Hartley County area and consists of two parts. The first part of the agreement is related to ensuring the City is able to continue to protect and preserve the water rights in order to maximize the value of the investment made by Amarillo. The second part of the agreement is related to the Underwood firm providing assistance to the City in the potential marketing of the remaining water rights in Hartley County. The Underwood firm has successfully represented the City in water rights related matters in the past and is familiar with both the Hartley County holdings and the general conditions in the area and the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. Funds expended under this agreement will be made available from the dedicated Water Rights account created by the Amarillo City Commission.
A. Purchase - Computer Hardware Equipment:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $172,346.73
Overview: This item approves the purchase of servers, drives, minitower workstations, desk and laptop computers, and related hardware. The purchase includes both new (first time) units and replacement units. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved capital improvement project budgets for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
B. Award - HVAC Renovations to NE 24th Street Pump Station:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Brandt-Lyons Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. -- $26,629.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of a new air conditioning system at the NE 24th Street Pump Station to support the variable frequency drive. The project cost is18% less than estimated. Funding for the project is available from the approved Water Transmission Switchgear capital improvement project budget.
C. Award - Sanitary Sewer Main Improvements:
Award to the low responsive bidder: PM Construction Inc. -- $568,638.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains in the San Jacinto Phase X area (Sunset Terrace). The proposed project will utilize the in-place pipe bursting method to minimize open cuts and ditches. The sanitary sewer mains and manholes in this area have deteriorated over time and now experience numerous backups in the wastewater collection system. The contract is 21% less than the estimated budget. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2011 Utilities Division's Sewer Main Rehabilitation Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Engineering Services Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: HDR, Inc. as follows:
Base Fee: $1,281,800.00
Not to Exceed Items: $ 187,000.00
Total $1,468,800.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary design and construction phase engineering services for a proposed water transfer pipeline from the existing 24th Avenue Pump Station to a point in 34th Avenue east of Osage. This pipeline would serve to allow the City to route water from both the Carson and Potter County Wellfields to the recently completed High Service Pump Station from the 24th Avenue Pump Station. Last year, the City approved the construction of a large diameter line from the new High Service Pump Station to a point in 34th Avenue as the first phase of the overall project to enable the more effective and efficient movement of water throughout the system. The first project was funded by the 0% interest loan used to construct the station. The proposed engineering services contract under this item, and the eventual construction of the transfer pipeline, are proposed to be constructed using funds remaining in the Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund (WIF) loans, which were secured at approximately 2% interest and which must be expended on projects directly related to the Wellfield.
E. Acceptance - Supportive Housing Program Grant Funds:
Overview: This item is the acceptance of a grant award from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support the ongoing transitional housing project in Amarillo. The grant award provides level funding for the period from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013 and will fund the following activities:
Supportive Services $ 41,908
Leasing $ 155,351
Administration $ 9,305
Total Award $ 206,564
Overview: The grant award requires a 25% cash match of the Supporting Services line item, which will be provided by the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $10,477.00. Acceptance of these grant funds will ensure that housing and case management services continue to be provided to homeless individuals and families.
F. Approval - Agreement for Supportive Services:
Award to Downtown Women's Center, Inc. -- $52,385.00
Overview: This item approves an annual agreement with the Downtown Women's Center to provide case management and supportive services for homeless individuals and families participating in the ongoing transitional housing project. The City will provide Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding to the Downtown Women's Center in the amount of $41,908.00 and the Downtown Women's Center will provide $10,477.00 as the required cash match for the grant funds. Funding for this agreement is available from Supportive Housing Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
G. Approval - Shelter Plus Care Program Agreement for Services:
Award to Texas Panhandle Centers -- $356,676.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle Centers for the provision of client services associated with the 2012-13 Shelter Plus Care Program awarded to the City of Amarillo by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Shelter Plus Care Program provides rental subsidies to assist homeless, disabled individuals with a chronic mental illness and their families. The rental subsidies must be matched equally with supportive services. Texas Panhandle Centers will provide case management, counseling life skills training, vocational rehabilitation, pharmacological management and psychiatric services to program participants.
H. Approval - Change Order #14 - Osage High Service Pump Station Project:
Award to Garney Companies, Inc.
Original Contract Amount: $15,370,000.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 2,786,056.00
Requested Change Order: $ 114,644.00
Revised Contract Total: $18,270,700.00
Cumulative Change %: 18.9%
Overview: This item approves Change Order #14 to the existing contract for the construction of the Osage High Service (combined) Pump Station project. The change order allows for the insertion of line stopples as the well transfer line is tied into the 30-inch water distribution line on Southeast 34th Avenue. This method will avoid a shut-down of water service to the adjacent neighborhoods and fire lines. The subcontractor will remain on site during the stopple process which is to be anticipated 10 days. Funding for the change order will be funded entirely from the City's Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Program for the project.
I. Approval - Interlocal Agreement for Immunization Services:
Amarillo College and Department of Public Health
Overview: This item approves an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Amarillo College (AC) to provide low-cost vaccinations for Bacterial Meningitis to students enrolling at Amarillo College. Amarillo College will collect the fees for the vaccinations and pay the Public Health Department to manage the vaccine inventory and vaccinate individuals when presented with a unique AC receipt.
J. Approval - Legal Services Representation Agreement:
Award to Underwood Law Firm
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item approves a legal services representation agreement between the City of Amarillo and the Underwood Law Firm. The agreement is specific to the City's water rights in the Hartley County area and consists of two parts. The first part of the agreement is related to ensuring the City is able to continue to protect and preserve the water rights in order to maximize the value of the investment made by Amarillo. The second part of the agreement is related to the Underwood firm providing assistance to the City in the potential marketing of the remaining water rights in Hartley County. The Underwood firm has successfully represented the City in water rights related matters in the past and is familiar with both the Hartley County holdings and the general conditions in the area and the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. Funds expended under this agreement will be made available from the dedicated Water Rights account created by the Amarillo City Commission.