A. Purchase - Slope Mower Tractor:
Award to: H.E.R.S Inc. -- $29,413.36
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 72-inch slope mower to be used by the Surface Water Treatment Department for mowing and maintenance of the grounds at multiple locations where side slopes are a safety issue. The new unit will replace a model year 2001 mower which has exceeded its life expectancy. The purchase is propriety to maintain compatibility with presently owned accessory attachments, which will be used with the new mower. Funding for this purchase is available from approved Municipal Garage Machinery Replacement Fund.
B. Purchase - Computer Hardware Equipment:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $101,115.86
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 3 servers and 13 minitower workstations that provide service for the Amarillo Emergency Communication Center, Police and Fire Department and American Medical Service. The purchase includes both new (first time) units and replacement units. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/12 Information Technology Department's operating budget.
C. Purchase - Intergraph Computer Aided Dispatch Software Upgrade:
Overview: Award to Intergraph Corporation -- $109,423.00
This item approves the purchase of the required software upgrade for the Intergraph Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and mobile computer applications. This upgrade is necessary to ensure functionality and ongoing support for the CAD and Mobile applications used by the Amarillo Emergency Communications Center, Amarillo Police Department, Amarillo Fire Department, and EMS personnel. Included in the purchase are the necessary upgrade, consulting services, implementation services and training. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology Department Capital budget.
D. Award - Auctioneering Services Contract:
Award to best-evaluated proposer - Assiter and Associates
Overview: This item awards a non-exclusive one (1) year contract for auctioneering services with up to four (4) one-year extensions. These services are used on an as-needed basis to ensure that the City of Amarillo receives the maximum possible return on the sale of surplus or out-of-service vehicles, equipment, and materials. The proposed contract allows for a sliding fee scale between the City and the auctioneer and also includes a ten (10%) percent buyer's premium to the auctioneer. Proceeds from the sales will go to the appropriate City Fund.
E. Award - Oils and Grease Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Western Marketing (Lines 1,2,5-9,12,13,15,18,19,21-23) $ 78,363.19
Griffin Oil (Lines 3,4,10,11,16,17,20,24-27) $ 75,002.15
Lubrication Services LP (Line 14) $ 6,810.00
Total Award $160,175.34
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for oils and greases used throughout the year by the City's Municipal Garage as well as the Transit, Airport, Fire Department, and Wastewater Treatment departments. This contract represents an average decrease of 12.18% from last year. Funding for the annual contract is available in each Department's approved 2011/12 operating budgets.
F. Award - High Speed Internet Service Agreement:
Award to Ama TechTel -- $28,800.00
Overview: This item approves a three-year agreement for high speed internet service at the Amarillo Public Library. The existing service can no longer accommodate the traffic generated by the Library and the various learning labs and on-line programs used by patrons. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology Department Operating budget.
G. Approval - Change Order #5 - Potter County Wellfield Transmission Pipeline Contract:
Award to: S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract Total: $24,515,941.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 878,603.12
Requested Change Order: $ 51,452.90
Revised Contract Total: $25,445,997.02
Cumulative % Change: 3.79%
Overview: This item approves change order #5 for the large diameter pipeline contract at the Potter County Wellfield. The change order is necessary to finalize this contract based on field conditions, provide additional erosion control, and to meet the requirements of the previously agreed upon Surface Use Agreements with the landowners. The change order also includes a time extension, primarily to provide sufficient time to establish the needed grass cover and complete the other items along the pipeline. The pipeline and the interconnecting line are complete and in service. Funding for this change order is available in the original project budget and the total contract is still substantially under the original budget amount.
H. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Projects:
Overview: Project 12-03-03 - Western National Life/AIG - This item is a project to bring 53 new jobs to Amarillo from the Sun America division of Western National Life/AIG. The 53 positions would consist of management, professional and customer service employees with an estimated total annual payroll impact of $1.25 million per year. The AEDC will provide a grant of $530,000 to assist in expenses for facility improvements, equipment, software and training for these new positions in their Amarillo operations center.
Overview: Project 12-03-01 - Texas Tech Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) - this item is a project to assist in the development of a new medical simulation center referred to as Sim Central. The total project cost is $6.7 million and will be constructed on a site north of the existing TTUHSC School of Pharmacy. The Amarillo EDC will provide a grant of $500,000 towards the project. The Sim Center will be used by nursing and medical students from several different entities in the region.
I. Approval - Downtown Properties Prime Lease:
Landlord: City of Amarillo
Tenant: Amarillo Local Government Corporation (ALGC)
Terms and Conditions as noted
Overview: This item approves the long-term lease of the block bounded by 7th Avenue, Buchanan Street, 6th Avenue and Pierce Street and the block bounded by Pierce Street, Buchanan Street and 6th Avenue immediately south of the Globe News Center for the Performing Arts. The first site is to be used for the construction of a multi-story parking garage and the second for the new Downtown Convention Hotel. This lease is required for the ALGC to meet its obligations under the recently approved Downtown Convention Hotel and Parking Garage Lease and Development Agreement.
J. Approval - Employment Contract:
Overview: This is to approve an employment contract with the City Manager providing for expectations, compensation, and severance terms. In accordance with the City charter, the contract is for no specified term and the manager remains employed at the will of the City Commission. Following a positive performance evaluation, the Manager will receive a salary raise of 2.5%, his first since beginning the job in November 2010.
A. Purchase - Slope Mower Tractor:
Award to: H.E.R.S Inc. -- $29,413.36
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 72-inch slope mower to be used by the Surface Water Treatment Department for mowing and maintenance of the grounds at multiple locations where side slopes are a safety issue. The new unit will replace a model year 2001 mower which has exceeded its life expectancy. The purchase is propriety to maintain compatibility with presently owned accessory attachments, which will be used with the new mower. Funding for this purchase is available from approved Municipal Garage Machinery Replacement Fund.
B. Purchase - Computer Hardware Equipment:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell -- $101,115.86
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 3 servers and 13 minitower workstations that provide service for the Amarillo Emergency Communication Center, Police and Fire Department and American Medical Service. The purchase includes both new (first time) units and replacement units. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved FY 2011/12 Information Technology Department's operating budget.
C. Purchase - Intergraph Computer Aided Dispatch Software Upgrade:
Overview: Award to Intergraph Corporation -- $109,423.00
This item approves the purchase of the required software upgrade for the Intergraph Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and mobile computer applications. This upgrade is necessary to ensure functionality and ongoing support for the CAD and Mobile applications used by the Amarillo Emergency Communications Center, Amarillo Police Department, Amarillo Fire Department, and EMS personnel. Included in the purchase are the necessary upgrade, consulting services, implementation services and training. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology Department Capital budget.
D. Award - Auctioneering Services Contract:
Award to best-evaluated proposer - Assiter and Associates
Overview: This item awards a non-exclusive one (1) year contract for auctioneering services with up to four (4) one-year extensions. These services are used on an as-needed basis to ensure that the City of Amarillo receives the maximum possible return on the sale of surplus or out-of-service vehicles, equipment, and materials. The proposed contract allows for a sliding fee scale between the City and the auctioneer and also includes a ten (10%) percent buyer's premium to the auctioneer. Proceeds from the sales will go to the appropriate City Fund.
E. Award - Oils and Grease Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Western Marketing (Lines 1,2,5-9,12,13,15,18,19,21-23) $ 78,363.19
Griffin Oil (Lines 3,4,10,11,16,17,20,24-27) $ 75,002.15
Lubrication Services LP (Line 14) $ 6,810.00
Total Award $160,175.34
Overview: This item approves the annual contract for oils and greases used throughout the year by the City's Municipal Garage as well as the Transit, Airport, Fire Department, and Wastewater Treatment departments. This contract represents an average decrease of 12.18% from last year. Funding for the annual contract is available in each Department's approved 2011/12 operating budgets.
F. Award - High Speed Internet Service Agreement:
Award to Ama TechTel -- $28,800.00
Overview: This item approves a three-year agreement for high speed internet service at the Amarillo Public Library. The existing service can no longer accommodate the traffic generated by the Library and the various learning labs and on-line programs used by patrons. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology Department Operating budget.
G. Approval - Change Order #5 - Potter County Wellfield Transmission Pipeline Contract:
Award to: S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD as follows:
Original Contract Total: $24,515,941.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 878,603.12
Requested Change Order: $ 51,452.90
Revised Contract Total: $25,445,997.02
Cumulative % Change: 3.79%
Overview: This item approves change order #5 for the large diameter pipeline contract at the Potter County Wellfield. The change order is necessary to finalize this contract based on field conditions, provide additional erosion control, and to meet the requirements of the previously agreed upon Surface Use Agreements with the landowners. The change order also includes a time extension, primarily to provide sufficient time to establish the needed grass cover and complete the other items along the pipeline. The pipeline and the interconnecting line are complete and in service. Funding for this change order is available in the original project budget and the total contract is still substantially under the original budget amount.
H. Approval - Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Projects:
Overview: Project 12-03-03 - Western National Life/AIG - This item is a project to bring 53 new jobs to Amarillo from the Sun America division of Western National Life/AIG. The 53 positions would consist of management, professional and customer service employees with an estimated total annual payroll impact of $1.25 million per year. The AEDC will provide a grant of $530,000 to assist in expenses for facility improvements, equipment, software and training for these new positions in their Amarillo operations center.
Overview: Project 12-03-01 - Texas Tech Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) - this item is a project to assist in the development of a new medical simulation center referred to as Sim Central. The total project cost is $6.7 million and will be constructed on a site north of the existing TTUHSC School of Pharmacy. The Amarillo EDC will provide a grant of $500,000 towards the project. The Sim Center will be used by nursing and medical students from several different entities in the region.
I. Approval - Downtown Properties Prime Lease:
Landlord: City of Amarillo
Tenant: Amarillo Local Government Corporation (ALGC)
Terms and Conditions as noted
Overview: This item approves the long-term lease of the block bounded by 7th Avenue, Buchanan Street, 6th Avenue and Pierce Street and the block bounded by Pierce Street, Buchanan Street and 6th Avenue immediately south of the Globe News Center for the Performing Arts. The first site is to be used for the construction of a multi-story parking garage and the second for the new Downtown Convention Hotel. This lease is required for the ALGC to meet its obligations under the recently approved Downtown Convention Hotel and Parking Garage Lease and Development Agreement.
J. Approval - Employment Contract:
Overview: This is to approve an employment contract with the City Manager providing for expectations, compensation, and severance terms. In accordance with the City charter, the contract is for no specified term and the manager remains employed at the will of the City Commission. Following a positive performance evaluation, the Manager will receive a salary raise of 2.5%, his first since beginning the job in November 2010.