A. Award - Asphalt Distribution Truck Purchase:
Award on BuyBoard Contract to Rush Truck Center -- $157,946.69
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 1998 Ford Distributor Truck which has exceeded its useable life. The purchase of the Peterbilt Asphalt Distributor represents a 28% increase from the last purchase in 2003. The equipment is used by the Street Department for seal coating, alley sealing and street repair, which begins in June. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Award - Rehabilitation of Water Collection Manholes:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Perry Williams, Inc. -- $158,299.40
Overview: This item awards a contract for the rehabilitation of three brick manholes with fiberglass manholes at the intersection of Travis and Lipscomb Streets at I-40 West. The project is 7% higher than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available the approved 2011 Utilities Capital Improvements budget.
C. Approval - Communication T-1 Services Contract:
Award from State DIR Contract: $84,097.20
Overview: This item is the approval of a contract with the State of Texas DIR Telecommunications Services Division for T-1 services for telephone communication, radio system connectively and information technology. The 24-month contract replaces the current contract and represents an increase of 1.5% over the current contract. Funding for the new contract is available in the current Communications Department budget
D. Approval - Telephone System Software Support and Upgrade:
Award to NACR -- $27,684.69 annually for a three-year total of $83,054.07
Overview: This item approves a three-year contract for the support and upgrade of the software that operates the City telephone system. The proposed cost of this contract is consistent with the current contract. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Communication Department Operating Budget.
A. Award - Asphalt Distribution Truck Purchase:
Award on BuyBoard Contract to Rush Truck Center -- $157,946.69
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 1998 Ford Distributor Truck which has exceeded its useable life. The purchase of the Peterbilt Asphalt Distributor represents a 28% increase from the last purchase in 2003. The equipment is used by the Street Department for seal coating, alley sealing and street repair, which begins in June. Funding for this purchase is available from the Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Award - Rehabilitation of Water Collection Manholes:
Award to lowest responsive bidder: Perry Williams, Inc. -- $158,299.40
Overview: This item awards a contract for the rehabilitation of three brick manholes with fiberglass manholes at the intersection of Travis and Lipscomb Streets at I-40 West. The project is 7% higher than the estimated cost. Funding for the project is available the approved 2011 Utilities Capital Improvements budget.
C. Approval - Communication T-1 Services Contract:
Award from State DIR Contract: $84,097.20
Overview: This item is the approval of a contract with the State of Texas DIR Telecommunications Services Division for T-1 services for telephone communication, radio system connectively and information technology. The 24-month contract replaces the current contract and represents an increase of 1.5% over the current contract. Funding for the new contract is available in the current Communications Department budget
D. Approval - Telephone System Software Support and Upgrade:
Award to NACR -- $27,684.69 annually for a three-year total of $83,054.07
Overview: This item approves a three-year contract for the support and upgrade of the software that operates the City telephone system. The proposed cost of this contract is consistent with the current contract. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2011/2012 Communication Department Operating Budget.