A. Purchase - Police Department Mobile Radios:
Overview: Award to WT Services on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $36,601.60
This item approves the purchase of eight mobile radios and related accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. These radios will be installed in the new police cars and offer enhanced capabilities for officer safety. The new radios will function both as radios and as a controller for the lights, sirens, and other equipment in the vehicle. Funding for this purchase is from the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant.
B. Approval - Change Order #3 - Lawrence Lake Bank Stabilization Project:
Overview: Award to Ark Contracting Services, LLC as follows:
Original Contract Total: $1,494,912.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 30,004.00
Requested Change Order: $ 33,254.00
Revised Contract Total: $1,558,170.00
Cumulative % Change: 4.2%
Overview: This item approves a change order for the project to stabilize the banks at Lawrence Lake. This change order is necessary to adjust the quantities of the Gabion (rock) baskets and associated mattresses (base) to the actual field conditions. Funding for this change order is available in the approved project budget.
A. Purchase - Police Department Mobile Radios:
Overview: Award to WT Services on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $36,601.60
This item approves the purchase of eight mobile radios and related accessories for the Amarillo Police Department. These radios will be installed in the new police cars and offer enhanced capabilities for officer safety. The new radios will function both as radios and as a controller for the lights, sirens, and other equipment in the vehicle. Funding for this purchase is from the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant.
B. Approval - Change Order #3 - Lawrence Lake Bank Stabilization Project:
Overview: Award to Ark Contracting Services, LLC as follows:
Original Contract Total: $1,494,912.00
Previous Change Orders: $ 30,004.00
Requested Change Order: $ 33,254.00
Revised Contract Total: $1,558,170.00
Cumulative % Change: 4.2%
Overview: This item approves a change order for the project to stabilize the banks at Lawrence Lake. This change order is necessary to adjust the quantities of the Gabion (rock) baskets and associated mattresses (base) to the actual field conditions. Funding for this change order is available in the approved project budget.