A. Purchase - Police Department Taser Units:
Overview: Award to proprietary vendor: G T Distributors, Inc. -- $56,768.50
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of Taser units and related items for the Amarillo Police Department. The proposed purchase includes fifty Tasers and the necessary cartridges and batteries. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Police Department Operating budget.
B. Award - Potter County Wellfield SCADA System Project:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Trac-n-Trol -- $324,400.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to furnish and install the necessary Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Potter County Wellfield. The SCADA system provides the necessary communications and remote units to allow full monitoring and control of the wellfield, pump station and related items from the Osage Potable Water Treatment Plant. Funding for this award is available in the approved Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund Loan (WIF) and the recommended bid price is $61,000 below the originally estimated cost.
C. Award - Hillside/58th Street Reconstruction Project:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder:
Advanced Pavement Maintenance, Ltd. - $2,311,484.45
Overview: This item awards the contract to rehabilitate Hillside Road from South Bell Street to South Western Street and 58th Avenue from S. Western Street to South Georgia Street. This rehabilitation will consist of a full removal of the existing pavement section, including the base material. Following this removal, a new pavement section, including the required base, will be installed for most of the two mile segment. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Zoo Education Building:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder:
Tri-State General Contracting Group as follows:
Base Award $633,520.00
E. Dedication and Acceptance - Public Utility Easement:
Overview: Dedication of a 25-foot public utility easement in Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Point West Business Campus No. 6 and an unplatted tract of land in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County in the vicinity of Amarillo Boulevard West and Gentry Drive.
A. Purchase - Police Department Taser Units:
Overview: Award to proprietary vendor: G T Distributors, Inc. -- $56,768.50
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of Taser units and related items for the Amarillo Police Department. The proposed purchase includes fifty Tasers and the necessary cartridges and batteries. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Police Department Operating budget.
B. Award - Potter County Wellfield SCADA System Project:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Trac-n-Trol -- $324,400.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to furnish and install the necessary Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Potter County Wellfield. The SCADA system provides the necessary communications and remote units to allow full monitoring and control of the wellfield, pump station and related items from the Osage Potable Water Treatment Plant. Funding for this award is available in the approved Texas Water Development Board Water Infrastructure Fund Loan (WIF) and the recommended bid price is $61,000 below the originally estimated cost.
C. Award - Hillside/58th Street Reconstruction Project:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder:
Advanced Pavement Maintenance, Ltd. - $2,311,484.45
Overview: This item awards the contract to rehabilitate Hillside Road from South Bell Street to South Western Street and 58th Avenue from S. Western Street to South Georgia Street. This rehabilitation will consist of a full removal of the existing pavement section, including the base material. Following this removal, a new pavement section, including the required base, will be installed for most of the two mile segment. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Zoo Education Building:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder:
Tri-State General Contracting Group as follows:
Base Award $633,520.00
E. Dedication and Acceptance - Public Utility Easement:
Overview: Dedication of a 25-foot public utility easement in Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Point West Business Campus No. 6 and an unplatted tract of land in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County in the vicinity of Amarillo Boulevard West and Gentry Drive.