A. Acceptance - Fire Response Equipment Agreement:
Overview: This item approves a Property Transfer Record Agreement with the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission (PRPC) for the acceptance of a dual agent foam trailer for response to fires involving alcohol or ethanol-based fuels. The foam and chemical fire response equipment was purchased under PRPC's 2009 and 2010 State Homeland Security Programs. The equipment will be on permanent loan to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is recommended by the Fire Department and the Office of Emergency Management.
B. Award - Water Transmission Main Improvement Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
SAK/Murphy Joint Venture -- $984,550.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to rehabilitate 3,000 linear feet of an existing 30 inch water transmission line by installing an HDPE liner and related appurtenances. The line to be rehabilitated is located in the alley between Harmony Street and Teckla Blvd from Tawny Avenue to Albert Avenue. Rehabilitation of this line will use the swage lining method rather than open trenching. This method provides the quickest repair and insures minimum service interruption. The project cost is less than estimated but represents an 18% increase in the linear foot cost since the last project in February 2011. Funding for this project is approved in the FY 2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
A. Acceptance - Fire Response Equipment Agreement:
Overview: This item approves a Property Transfer Record Agreement with the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission (PRPC) for the acceptance of a dual agent foam trailer for response to fires involving alcohol or ethanol-based fuels. The foam and chemical fire response equipment was purchased under PRPC's 2009 and 2010 State Homeland Security Programs. The equipment will be on permanent loan to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is recommended by the Fire Department and the Office of Emergency Management.
B. Award - Water Transmission Main Improvement Project:
Award to low responsive bidder:
SAK/Murphy Joint Venture -- $984,550.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to rehabilitate 3,000 linear feet of an existing 30 inch water transmission line by installing an HDPE liner and related appurtenances. The line to be rehabilitated is located in the alley between Harmony Street and Teckla Blvd from Tawny Avenue to Albert Avenue. Rehabilitation of this line will use the swage lining method rather than open trenching. This method provides the quickest repair and insures minimum service interruption. The project cost is less than estimated but represents an 18% increase in the linear foot cost since the last project in February 2011. Funding for this project is approved in the FY 2011 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.