A. Purchase - Trash Bags:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corporation -- $74,445.00
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of trash bags. These bags are provided to solid waste customers on hand pickup routes throughout the city. Approximately 105,000 pounds of bags will be purchased under this contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget.
B. Award - Sale of Scrap Metal:
Overview: Award to high bidder: Amarillo Metals Company -- $25,940.00
Overview: This item is the sale of scrap brass and copper collected by the City throughout the year. The proposed sale is for approximately 1,000 pounds of scrap copper and 10,000 pounds of scrap brass. The offered price from the high bidder is approximately 14% higher than the same sale last year.
C. Award - Engineering Services Agreement:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Parkhill, Smith, and Cooper as follows:
Phase A - $ 38,200.00
Phase B - $105,400.00
Total not to exceed: $143,600.00
Overview: This item approves an engineering services agreement to provide design (Phase A) and construction related services (Phase B) for the connection of the Cell 4 landfill liner to the Cells 2 and 3 liners. The proposed project will be the installation of liner on an unlined strip of land between the above-mentioned and currently lined cells. Design and installation of this liner is required by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations and is necessary for the landfill to remain in compliance. The proposed liner will connect a synthetic liner system with a clay liner system. Upon completion, this will allow the continued deposition of solid waste both within Cell 4 and continuing into Cells 2 and 3. Funding for this award is in the approved Solid Waste Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Approval - Emergency Facilities & Land Use Agreement Renewal:
Overview: Parties: City of Amarillo and the Texas Forest Service
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item is the renewal of the Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement between the City and the Texas Forest Service. This agreement provides the Texas Forest Service with the use of specified facilities at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport to stage and operate both fixed and rotary-wing fire fighting aircraft. These aircraft will be stationed at the Airport on an as-needed basis to ensure prompt aerial response to wildfires in Amarillo and the surrounding region.
A. Purchase - Trash Bags:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Dyna Pak Corporation -- $74,445.00
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of trash bags. These bags are provided to solid waste customers on hand pickup routes throughout the city. Approximately 105,000 pounds of bags will be purchased under this contract. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Solid Waste Collection Department operating budget.
B. Award - Sale of Scrap Metal:
Overview: Award to high bidder: Amarillo Metals Company -- $25,940.00
Overview: This item is the sale of scrap brass and copper collected by the City throughout the year. The proposed sale is for approximately 1,000 pounds of scrap copper and 10,000 pounds of scrap brass. The offered price from the high bidder is approximately 14% higher than the same sale last year.
C. Award - Engineering Services Agreement:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Parkhill, Smith, and Cooper as follows:
Phase A - $ 38,200.00
Phase B - $105,400.00
Total not to exceed: $143,600.00
Overview: This item approves an engineering services agreement to provide design (Phase A) and construction related services (Phase B) for the connection of the Cell 4 landfill liner to the Cells 2 and 3 liners. The proposed project will be the installation of liner on an unlined strip of land between the above-mentioned and currently lined cells. Design and installation of this liner is required by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations and is necessary for the landfill to remain in compliance. The proposed liner will connect a synthetic liner system with a clay liner system. Upon completion, this will allow the continued deposition of solid waste both within Cell 4 and continuing into Cells 2 and 3. Funding for this award is in the approved Solid Waste Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Approval - Emergency Facilities & Land Use Agreement Renewal:
Overview: Parties: City of Amarillo and the Texas Forest Service
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item is the renewal of the Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement between the City and the Texas Forest Service. This agreement provides the Texas Forest Service with the use of specified facilities at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport to stage and operate both fixed and rotary-wing fire fighting aircraft. These aircraft will be stationed at the Airport on an as-needed basis to ensure prompt aerial response to wildfires in Amarillo and the surrounding region.