A. Award - Medical Supplies Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Moore Medical $25,144.43
(Lines 1, 3, 10, 11, 15, 20-22, 26, 27, 29, 45, 47, 51, 53, 54,
60, 64, 66, 68, 69-71, 74, 77-80, 84, 85, 91, 92, 95-97,
102-104, 108-110, 116, 118, 126, 128, 134, 151, 152, 154,
174, 177, 186, 202)
Alert Services $ 107.51
(Line 2)
McKesson General Medical $18,292.20
(Lines 4-6, 24, 28, 30, 31, 37, 38, 58, 63, 75, 132, 137,138,
140, 166, 168, 181, 182, 199)
Bound Tree Medical $ 5,815.02
(Lines 32-34, 41, 42, 86, 87, 90, 105, 106, 119, 141-143,
160-162, 170, 171, 189, 190)
B. Approval - Asphaltic Concrete Annual Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer - Advantage Asphalt Contracts
Cost Per Ton: $54.00
Estimated Annual Contract - $900,000
Liquid Asphalt Base Price per Ton: $525.00
Adjustment Based on Change In Asphalt Price: $2.00/ton to City per $25.00 change in Liquid Asphalt Price/ton
Overview: This item approves the annual contract to purchase asphaltic concrete (hot-mix). The contract contemplates the purchase of an estimated 16,666 tons of material throughout the year. Due to the fluctuation in the cost of the base product throughout the year, the contract includes an escalator/de-escalator in the cost per ton paid by the City based on the change in the cost of the base material. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Operating budget.
C. Purchase - Fire Trucks:
Award on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Hall Buick, Pontiac GMC - $586,597.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two fire trucks for the Amarillo Fire Department. The first unit is a Grass Fire truck that will replace an existing 1993 unit that has surpassed its usable lifespan. The second unit is a standard pumper engine that will replace an existing 1995 unit. These units are recommended for purchase on the cooperative purchasing contract to ensure consistency across the fleet. Doing so allows for common training, repairs, and maintenance. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.
A. Award - Medical Supplies Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Moore Medical $25,144.43
(Lines 1, 3, 10, 11, 15, 20-22, 26, 27, 29, 45, 47, 51, 53, 54,
60, 64, 66, 68, 69-71, 74, 77-80, 84, 85, 91, 92, 95-97,
102-104, 108-110, 116, 118, 126, 128, 134, 151, 152, 154,
174, 177, 186, 202)
Alert Services $ 107.51
(Line 2)
McKesson General Medical $18,292.20
(Lines 4-6, 24, 28, 30, 31, 37, 38, 58, 63, 75, 132, 137,138,
140, 166, 168, 181, 182, 199)
Bound Tree Medical $ 5,815.02
(Lines 32-34, 41, 42, 86, 87, 90, 105, 106, 119, 141-143,
160-162, 170, 171, 189, 190)
B. Approval - Asphaltic Concrete Annual Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer - Advantage Asphalt Contracts
Cost Per Ton: $54.00
Estimated Annual Contract - $900,000
Liquid Asphalt Base Price per Ton: $525.00
Adjustment Based on Change In Asphalt Price: $2.00/ton to City per $25.00 change in Liquid Asphalt Price/ton
Overview: This item approves the annual contract to purchase asphaltic concrete (hot-mix). The contract contemplates the purchase of an estimated 16,666 tons of material throughout the year. Due to the fluctuation in the cost of the base product throughout the year, the contract includes an escalator/de-escalator in the cost per ton paid by the City based on the change in the cost of the base material. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Street Department Operating budget.
C. Purchase - Fire Trucks:
Award on Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (HGAC) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Hall Buick, Pontiac GMC - $586,597.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two fire trucks for the Amarillo Fire Department. The first unit is a Grass Fire truck that will replace an existing 1993 unit that has surpassed its usable lifespan. The second unit is a standard pumper engine that will replace an existing 1995 unit. These units are recommended for purchase on the cooperative purchasing contract to ensure consistency across the fleet. Doing so allows for common training, repairs, and maintenance. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement fund.