A. Purchase -- Computer Hardware:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) State Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Dell -- $48,411.80
Overview: This item approves the purchase of computer hardware to be used by various City Departments. The requested purchase includes thirty desktop and eleven laptop computers that will serve as replacements for existing units that have been in service for six years. One additional laptop computer is being purchased for the Amarillo Police Department Traffic Investigation Unit to record and produce scaled drawings for investigatative use. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology budget.
B. Purchase - Police Cars:
Award to low responsive bidder: Caldwell Country Ford -- $570,957.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of nineteen police interceptor cars. Twelve of the units are replacements for existing units that have surpassed their usable lifespan and seven are upgrades of existing units to dual-use capabilities for fleet efficiency and to accommodate growth in the authorized strength of the Police Department. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Garage budget.
C. Purchase - Police Motorcycles:
Award to sole source provider: Tripp's Harley Davidson -- $27,754.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two police motorcycles. These units are additions to the existing fleet that were previously approved in the Police Department budget. The inclusion of these two motorcycles brings the total fleet to eleven units. Per the terms of the Harley Davidson purchase agreement, these units are purchased as additions, and then future units are provided on a replacement basis at no capital cost to the City. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2009/2010 Police Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Tomahawk Golf Course Irrigation Well:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Currie Drilling, Inc. -- $144,480.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to construct a new irrigation well at the Tomahawk Golf Course. Presently, a substantial portion of the course is watered with existing irrigation wells. Several holes, near the west side of the course, are directly watered from the City's potable water system. Completion of this well will dramatically reduce the amount of water needed from the City's potable water system and will have the course largely watered through non-system irrigation wells and ponds. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program budget.
E. Approval - Krams, Inc. Airport Lease Agreement Amendment Number 1:
Tenant: Krams, Inc.
Additional Rent: $2,400 per month
Term: month-to-month
Overview: This item approves amendment number 1 to the existing lease agreement between Krams, Inc. (Arden Paradise) and the City of Amarillo. Krams, Inc. is a long-standing tenant at the Airport and has an existing lease on a portion of Building 602 and the entirety of Hangar 5000. The proposed amendment will add Hangar 6000 to their lease agreement on a month-to-month basis. Krams, Inc. has requested the lease of this hangar to provide additional storage space for their manufactured products.
F. Approval - Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility Design Services Task Order:
Award to Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc. (RSH) -- $308,733.00
Overview: This item approves task order number 10 to provide professional design and bidding services necessary for the proposed Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility. Services under this contract will include the detailed evaluation of the necessary size and location of the proposed facility as well as the design and production of bidding documents. A consolidated rental car facility will eliminate the individual, city-owned facilities located in and around the airport and will provide for better service and easier access to rental car customers. The eventual construction and operational costs of the facility will be funded through a proposed $3.00 Customer Facility Charge to be collected by on-airport rental car agencies. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.
A. Purchase -- Computer Hardware:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) State Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Dell -- $48,411.80
Overview: This item approves the purchase of computer hardware to be used by various City Departments. The requested purchase includes thirty desktop and eleven laptop computers that will serve as replacements for existing units that have been in service for six years. One additional laptop computer is being purchased for the Amarillo Police Department Traffic Investigation Unit to record and produce scaled drawings for investigatative use. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Information Technology budget.
B. Purchase - Police Cars:
Award to low responsive bidder: Caldwell Country Ford -- $570,957.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of nineteen police interceptor cars. Twelve of the units are replacements for existing units that have surpassed their usable lifespan and seven are upgrades of existing units to dual-use capabilities for fleet efficiency and to accommodate growth in the authorized strength of the Police Department. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Garage budget.
C. Purchase - Police Motorcycles:
Award to sole source provider: Tripp's Harley Davidson -- $27,754.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of two police motorcycles. These units are additions to the existing fleet that were previously approved in the Police Department budget. The inclusion of these two motorcycles brings the total fleet to eleven units. Per the terms of the Harley Davidson purchase agreement, these units are purchased as additions, and then future units are provided on a replacement basis at no capital cost to the City. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2009/2010 Police Department Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Award - Tomahawk Golf Course Irrigation Well:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Currie Drilling, Inc. -- $144,480.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to construct a new irrigation well at the Tomahawk Golf Course. Presently, a substantial portion of the course is watered with existing irrigation wells. Several holes, near the west side of the course, are directly watered from the City's potable water system. Completion of this well will dramatically reduce the amount of water needed from the City's potable water system and will have the course largely watered through non-system irrigation wells and ponds. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program budget.
E. Approval - Krams, Inc. Airport Lease Agreement Amendment Number 1:
Tenant: Krams, Inc.
Additional Rent: $2,400 per month
Term: month-to-month
Overview: This item approves amendment number 1 to the existing lease agreement between Krams, Inc. (Arden Paradise) and the City of Amarillo. Krams, Inc. is a long-standing tenant at the Airport and has an existing lease on a portion of Building 602 and the entirety of Hangar 5000. The proposed amendment will add Hangar 6000 to their lease agreement on a month-to-month basis. Krams, Inc. has requested the lease of this hangar to provide additional storage space for their manufactured products.
F. Approval - Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility Design Services Task Order:
Award to Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc. (RSH) -- $308,733.00
Overview: This item approves task order number 10 to provide professional design and bidding services necessary for the proposed Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility. Services under this contract will include the detailed evaluation of the necessary size and location of the proposed facility as well as the design and production of bidding documents. A consolidated rental car facility will eliminate the individual, city-owned facilities located in and around the airport and will provide for better service and easier access to rental car customers. The eventual construction and operational costs of the facility will be funded through a proposed $3.00 Customer Facility Charge to be collected by on-airport rental car agencies. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Airport Capital Improvement Program budget.