A. Purchase - Liquid Ferric Sulfate:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: General Chemical Performance Products -- $70,000.80
Overview: This item is the award of the annual contract to purchase liquid ferric sulfate. The proposed contract is for 240 tons of the product. This chemical is used as a coagulant in the surface water treatment process at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Surface Water Treatment Department operating budget. The proposed contract price is 19% less than the previous year contract.
B. Purchase - Fire Department Washing Machines:
Overview: Award to Aadvantage Laundry Systems on the Texas BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $55,897.20
Overview: This is the purchase of nine washer-extractor machines for use by the Amarillo Fire Department. These units will be installed in fire stations and used to clean the protective coats and pants (bunker gear) worn by firefighters. These machines are able to remove the various toxic combustion particles absorbed by the gear during fire fighting operations. Funding for this purchase is from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.
C. Approval - Rick Klein Sports Complex Professional Services Contract:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Dunkin, Sims, Stoffels as follows:
Design & Planning Services: $88,900.00
Expenses: $ 2,000.00
Total not to exceed: $90,900.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary planning, design and construction administration services necessary to design and build the proposed soccer complex at the Rick Klein Sports Complex. Also included in the contract is the update of the overall Rick Klein Sports Complex Master Plan to accommodate current and future growth. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program.
D. Approval - Professional Services Agreement:
Overview: Blackridge -- $120,000.00 annually
Overview: This item is the approval of a professional services agreement to provide Austin, Texas based legislative consulting services to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is proposed for a 12-month period at the rate of $10,000 and is recommended for approval based on satisfactory representation of the City since 2006. Blackridge and its principals have represented the City successfully for several years both at the Texas Legislature and before numerous state agencies. The proposed agreement is for one-year with two, one-year renewals at the same price. This will ensure continued representation with no cost increase through December, 2015.
E. Approval - Addendum #1 Emergency Medical Services Medical Director Contract:
Overview: Parties: Dr. David French and the City of Amarillo
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the approval of an addendum #1 to the contract to provide the services of a Medical Doctor to serve as Medical Director for the City of Amarillo. This position provides the proper medical oversight, direction and quality control for the delivery of Emergency Medical Services in the city. Dr. David French was selected as the Medical Director in January, 2010 and provides these services to both the City of Amarillo Fire Department and American Medical Response d.b.a. AMS. The proposed amendment increases the number of hours of service each month from 24 to 38 and includes an additional on-site trip each month. The contract cost will now be $48,000 per year, with the cost split equally by the City of Amarillo and American Medical Response (AMS). Dr. French ensures that medical protocols and practices for both organizations are mutually supporting and provide the highest possible level of care to individuals requiring pre-hospital medical services.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Easement:
Overview: Dedication of a 306.9 square foot tract of land for right-of-way purposes in Lot 1A, Block 70A, Famous Heights Park Addition No. 16 in Section 138, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, the vicinity of Tee Anchor Boulevard and Southeast 12th Avenue.
A. Purchase - Liquid Ferric Sulfate:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: General Chemical Performance Products -- $70,000.80
Overview: This item is the award of the annual contract to purchase liquid ferric sulfate. The proposed contract is for 240 tons of the product. This chemical is used as a coagulant in the surface water treatment process at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Surface Water Treatment Department operating budget. The proposed contract price is 19% less than the previous year contract.
B. Purchase - Fire Department Washing Machines:
Overview: Award to Aadvantage Laundry Systems on the Texas BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Contract -- $55,897.20
Overview: This is the purchase of nine washer-extractor machines for use by the Amarillo Fire Department. These units will be installed in fire stations and used to clean the protective coats and pants (bunker gear) worn by firefighters. These machines are able to remove the various toxic combustion particles absorbed by the gear during fire fighting operations. Funding for this purchase is from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.
C. Approval - Rick Klein Sports Complex Professional Services Contract:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Dunkin, Sims, Stoffels as follows:
Design & Planning Services: $88,900.00
Expenses: $ 2,000.00
Total not to exceed: $90,900.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the necessary planning, design and construction administration services necessary to design and build the proposed soccer complex at the Rick Klein Sports Complex. Also included in the contract is the update of the overall Rick Klein Sports Complex Master Plan to accommodate current and future growth. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program.
D. Approval - Professional Services Agreement:
Overview: Blackridge -- $120,000.00 annually
Overview: This item is the approval of a professional services agreement to provide Austin, Texas based legislative consulting services to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is proposed for a 12-month period at the rate of $10,000 and is recommended for approval based on satisfactory representation of the City since 2006. Blackridge and its principals have represented the City successfully for several years both at the Texas Legislature and before numerous state agencies. The proposed agreement is for one-year with two, one-year renewals at the same price. This will ensure continued representation with no cost increase through December, 2015.
E. Approval - Addendum #1 Emergency Medical Services Medical Director Contract:
Overview: Parties: Dr. David French and the City of Amarillo
Terms and Conditions as Noted
Overview: This item is the approval of an addendum #1 to the contract to provide the services of a Medical Doctor to serve as Medical Director for the City of Amarillo. This position provides the proper medical oversight, direction and quality control for the delivery of Emergency Medical Services in the city. Dr. David French was selected as the Medical Director in January, 2010 and provides these services to both the City of Amarillo Fire Department and American Medical Response d.b.a. AMS. The proposed amendment increases the number of hours of service each month from 24 to 38 and includes an additional on-site trip each month. The contract cost will now be $48,000 per year, with the cost split equally by the City of Amarillo and American Medical Response (AMS). Dr. French ensures that medical protocols and practices for both organizations are mutually supporting and provide the highest possible level of care to individuals requiring pre-hospital medical services.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Easement:
Overview: Dedication of a 306.9 square foot tract of land for right-of-way purposes in Lot 1A, Block 70A, Famous Heights Park Addition No. 16 in Section 138, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, the vicinity of Tee Anchor Boulevard and Southeast 12th Avenue.