A. Purchase - Automotive Batteries Annual Contract:
Award to low bidder: Batteries Etc. II, Inc. dba Battery Joe -- $38,679.56
Overview: This item is the approval of the annual contract to purchase automotive batteries. These batteries are stocked in the City warehouse and are issued throughout the year on an as needed basis. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Stores operating budget. The recommended award represents an increase of 42.23% from last year's cost.
B. Award - Water Main Extension and Replacement Project:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors - $90,533.80
Overview: This item is the award of a contract to perform two 6" water main extension and replacement projects. Each of the extension projects will address locations that have been identified as having consistently low pressures, excess line breakages or water quality issues. The line replacement projects are part of the ongoing City plan to eliminate small diameter mains throughout the city. This program results in increased service for affected residents and eliminates dead-end water mains from the system. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Pantex Agreement in Principle (AIP) Grant Agreement:
Granting Agency: State Energy Conservation Office
First Year Funding - $118,300.00
Overview: This item accepts a grant agreement from the State Energy Conservation Office known as the Agreement in Principle (AIP). The AIP is a five-year grant agreement that provides funding to the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide ongoing planning, coordination and response efforts related to the activities at the Pantex Plant. Funding for this agreement is provided annually based on appropriations with the funds provided from the Department of Energy to the State Energy Conservation Office and then the City of Amarillo.
D. Acceptance - State Emergency Management Performance Grant:
Granting Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety
Grant Amount: $109,458.75
Grant Period: October 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012
Overview: This item accepts the 2011 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Texas Department of Public Safety. Funds provided under this grant are used by the Office of Emergency Management to offset the costs of conducting exercises, training events, planning and public outreach efforts throughout the year.
E. Approval - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to low bidder meeting specifications: Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $142,650.00
Overview: This item is the approval of the annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The requested contract is for 75 sets of protective bunker pants and coats. These items will be used to replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. Bid price reflects a 12.5% increase from last year's cost. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Fire Department Operating Budget.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
A. Purchase - Automotive Batteries Annual Contract:
Award to low bidder: Batteries Etc. II, Inc. dba Battery Joe -- $38,679.56
Overview: This item is the approval of the annual contract to purchase automotive batteries. These batteries are stocked in the City warehouse and are issued throughout the year on an as needed basis. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Municipal Stores operating budget. The recommended award represents an increase of 42.23% from last year's cost.
B. Award - Water Main Extension and Replacement Project:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors - $90,533.80
Overview: This item is the award of a contract to perform two 6" water main extension and replacement projects. Each of the extension projects will address locations that have been identified as having consistently low pressures, excess line breakages or water quality issues. The line replacement projects are part of the ongoing City plan to eliminate small diameter mains throughout the city. This program results in increased service for affected residents and eliminates dead-end water mains from the system. Funding for this award is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Acceptance - Pantex Agreement in Principle (AIP) Grant Agreement:
Granting Agency: State Energy Conservation Office
First Year Funding - $118,300.00
Overview: This item accepts a grant agreement from the State Energy Conservation Office known as the Agreement in Principle (AIP). The AIP is a five-year grant agreement that provides funding to the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide ongoing planning, coordination and response efforts related to the activities at the Pantex Plant. Funding for this agreement is provided annually based on appropriations with the funds provided from the Department of Energy to the State Energy Conservation Office and then the City of Amarillo.
D. Acceptance - State Emergency Management Performance Grant:
Granting Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety
Grant Amount: $109,458.75
Grant Period: October 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012
Overview: This item accepts the 2011 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Texas Department of Public Safety. Funds provided under this grant are used by the Office of Emergency Management to offset the costs of conducting exercises, training events, planning and public outreach efforts throughout the year.
E. Approval - Firefighting Clothing Contract:
Award to low bidder meeting specifications: Daco Fire Equipment Company, Inc. -- $142,650.00
Overview: This item is the approval of the annual contract to purchase protective clothing for the Amarillo Fire Department. The requested contract is for 75 sets of protective bunker pants and coats. These items will be used to replace existing protective clothing that is no longer serviceable and to equip new firefighters. Bid price reflects a 12.5% increase from last year's cost. Funding for this contract is in the approved FY 2011/2012 Fire Department Operating Budget.
F. Dedication and Acceptance - Aviation Clear Zone Easement: